Originally Posted by iggy
I thought you guys made fun of the red head about circling back, but here we are right back at you proving my point that everything that disagrees with you is lies and propaganda.

it's well known that Google overwhelmingly is far-left liberal, donates heavily to the Democrats, and Project Veritas has multiple times caught employees talking about how they systematically rig the Google machinery to aid the Democrats, and crush access to information that would persuade voters to the Republican side. At both the executive level, and among Google's frontline employees. Likewise at Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.


And about 2 years before the 2020 election, I posted links to a researcher who showed the deliberate manipulation of algorithms by Google would suppress information in searchess that would supress Republican turnout by at least 6 million votes.

And here's another warning in a separate study from the Media Research Center:

But again, here I am speaking to you as if you were a reasonable person, interested in actual facts.