I'm not a fan of Alex Jones, JLA.
But as I said in prior posts and cited a linked an interview with Jones' lawyer, I thought he was railroaded, and a partisan judge egregiously prevented exculpatory evidence in his favor from being presented.

I mostly listen to Fox News and Newsmax these days, occasionally OAN. The New York Post, Rebel News, American Greatness, Daily Caller, The Federalist, Human Events.com, The Blaze, Lifezette, MRC.org, The Intercept, DailySignal, Substack, Judicial Watch and others.

On social media I read news and politics/history stuff on Youtube, Rumble, Vimeo and other sites. Many of which I've posted here, with the context in my comments of what I buy or don't buy in the coverage.
News in the U.S. is very U.S.-centric, with very little coverage of places outside the U.S., even of Canada. To watch BBC or DW news is to see a much higher ratio of world coverage. But it should never be forgotten that European news is at least as liberal dominated and partisan as the 80% liberal-biased U.S. news. Some of which both G-man and myself have posted and linked examples of here, over many years.

With discretion, I occasionally even believe what I read in the New York Times, Washington Post, Politico and so forth. But on a case by case basis, I often stop reading and laugh when they quote anonymous sources, particularly news about Trump. Most liberal media can immediately be dismissed because of loaded language, that MRC.org, Bernard Goldberg or Sharyl Attkisson have detailed many examples of.
When covering the Nov 2020 election for example, liberal media sources can't just report views of both sides, they HAVE to portray Trump or anyone citing evidence of election fraud or questionable events as "liars" or "unsubstantiated" or "Right wing extremist".
Even a Harvard study (that I linked at the time) of media in Trump's first year showed a 93% bias of the mainstream media against Trump.
During Trump's soviet-style impeachment show trial by only Democrats in Jan 2020, MRC.org reported that the media at that point had 100% negative coverage (!) of Trump and his lawyers (that I linked at the time).
Hey, no liberal media bias, none whatsoever.

CNN I used to watch until about 2009 when their shameless bias became unbearable. That's when they pushed Lou Dobbs out, a guy who was one of the the founding anchors at CNN since 1981 ! And CNN has quantifiably worsened, to the point that almost no one is watching it now. Except for Iggy, who feeds at the nipple, and believes every word.

Both CNN and MSNBC are unintentional comedy gold, without the slightest pretense of objective journalism or facts, just hysterical made-up insulting comparisons. "Trump is a baby, Trump is an infant. Trump is Hitler!"
In the coverage of the Kevin McCarthy multiple-votes for speaker, CNN and MSNBC have pundits saying the holdout Republicans (Gaetz, Donalds, Good, Boehbert, etc.) are "like people setting off a grenade", or creating a "hostage situation", or "personally disliking" Kevin McCarthy in an irrational vendetta. Or "terrorists" ! These dissenting conservative Republicans aren't even covered as having a valid basis for opposing McCarthy as speaker, a perspective of holding out for better practices in the new House, such as demanding a bill be offered to members at least 72 hours before a vote, so they can ACTUALLY READ IT. These Representatives (and millions of Republican voters) have valid reasons in 20 years of Rep. Kevin McCarthy's actions not to trust him.

No, in truth (that CNN and MSNBC and even some on Fox news don't cover), these holdout Republicans are making demands that McCarthy, McConnell and other RINO Senate and House members TO REPRESENT THEIR CONSTITUENTS WHO VOTED FOR THEM, and cite past examples of "swampy" things McCarthy has done that make him untrustworthy as the prospective Republican Speaker, and are making demands to hold him accountable. These House GOP dissenters could be wrong, but I lean toward thinking further negotiation to press Kevin McCarthy and the Republican establishment to fully represent their voters in future legislation is good.

They are demanding changes in the rules to make sure House conservatives truly represent the people who voted for them, and not just cave in and betray their voters by, say, 18 Senators and 9 House members voting with the Democrats to pass a $1.7 trillion "Omnibus" bill that should have never passed in Dec 2022, the week of Christmas, when the public wasn't looking. Against the interests of the Republican voters in the districts of the 18 RINO Republican Senators and 9 RINO Republican House members who betrayed their voters to pass this nightmare, that includes 87,000 more IRS agents, while that legislation left our Southern border unsecured and wide open. Actually had specific language that prevented using any funds in the bill be diverted to actually securing the border.

Would that the media would fully report both sides of the issue. Even if they are liberal reporters, they should at least have the journalistic integrity and standards to report all sides, instead of rabidly editorializing and suppressing one side, acting as propagandists for the Democrats who are trying to create an authoritarian one-party system.