About 2 weeks ago, Tucker Carlson had a report where he released a large sampling of the security camera video from inside the Capitol building on January 6, 2021 during the peaceful protests, with just a handful of riots and vandalism.
AGAIN: Out of well over 100,000 protesters in Washington Square that day, only about 600 protesters who entered the Capitol buildign that day, only about 60 were involved in clashing with police or violence.
And of that 600, "at least 20" (as reported by RebelNews and American Greatness) were "un-indicted co-conspiratiors", as the FBI documents in their own investigation reports, FBI code for their own undercover agents disguised as Trump supporters. And another 20 were John Earle Sullivan and his Antifa Salt Lake City group, who openly boast in their videos that the will engaage in vandalism and violence that ACTUAL Trump supporters will be blamed for. And those videos are everywhere.
So... of the 60 engaged in vandalism and violence, at least 40 of the 60 were ***NOT**** Trump protesters, but people hostile to Trump supporters who were trying to frame Trump supporters and trick them into violence.
But it didn't work. The undercover FBI agents, the Antifa agents, the other fringe groups, were NOT Trump supporters, as is clear in the Antifa online videos, and the FBI's own reports.

The video released for 2 years (withheld by Democrats, because it disproved their false narrative) proves the Trump protesters inside were overwhelmingly peaceful, just wandered inside and took a few selfies, and left. For over 2 years, the amount of security video was estimated at about 14,000 hours of footage.
It turns out, the actual amount of footage is 41,000 hours. Withheld by Democrats, so they could front a deceitful narrative.
Only the House majority shifting to the Republicans after the Nov 2022 elections, seated in January 2023, broke that Democrat stranglehold on false narrative, and allowed the video evidence to now (at least partially) to finally be released, and provide evidence that the "Storming of the Capitol" narrative was a complete lie.

I notice that even Wikipedia has quietly re-titled their former "Storming of the Captiol" narrative listing. But still contans a lot of deliberate weasel-wording to try and prop up parts of the Democrat false narrative.

But regardless, the evidence disproves that narrative.
Even as Democrat-Bolshevik attorney general Merrick Garland prepares to arrest and torment another 1,200 innocent protesters, protesters who never even entered the capitol, just to try and prop up that collapsing false narrative of "dangerous domestic terrorist / white supremacist / insurrectionist Trump supporters".



