Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Imploding MAGA World Turns to Civil War, secession

MAGA world has gone into total meltdown after the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed a bizarre Trump-endorsed lawsuit on Friday seeking to overturn the results of the presidential election.

Many of the president’s staunchest supporters believed that the Supreme Court, with its Trump-appointed justices, would eventually come to the president’s rescue in his failing election fraud crusade.

But, with their hopes crushed on Friday, “Stop the Steal” protesters spilled into D.C. streets shouting, “Destroy the GOP” and calling fellow conservatives like Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk “subversives.”

Some of the wackiest sycophants took to Twitter and alt right-friendly app Parler to call for civil war or secession—all because their guy lost.

“If the Supreme Court can’t save our republic, then where is the military?” former Fox News pundits and unofficial Trump “advisers” Diamond & Silk tweeted Friday evening. “Trying to overthrow the Government by exploiting a Pandemic, thus implementing rules that break our election laws, is unconstitutional. If the DOJ and the FBI can’t do their jobs, then where is the military? This is a Coup!”

Oh my!

Over two years later, we now know those "stop the steal" Capitol protesters were actually over 20 FBI agents (i.e., "unindicted co-conspirators" as they are labelled in the FBI's own January 6th investigative reports) disguised as Trump supporters, were undercover DC Metro police officers disguised as Trump supporters, and John Earle Sullivan and his Salt Lake City Antifa group disguised as Trump supporters, all there as agents provacateur to act violently and blame it on peaceful Trump supporters, and/or incite actual Trump supporters to follow them into violence.

Democrats, and Democrat-Bolshevik agents of the FBI, DOJ, the DC Metro police and other federal agencies, have created a false narrative, arrested and detained innocent and peaceful people, retired military, retired police officers, retired firemen, small business owners and other good people, and detained them indefinitely without lawyers or trial, in conditions worse than Al Quaida prisoners are forced to live in.

The FBI and other federal authorities have hidden the 14,000 hours of surveillance video that show the ACTUAL Trump supporters were overwhelmingly peaceful, including the "Quanon Shaman" Jacob Chansley, who was basically nothing more than a cosplayer, a peaceful protester who was hanging out in the Capitol with no less than 9 Capitol police officers around him, recorded on hours of security video. Jacob Chansley never clashed with police, or made the slightest move toward vandalism or violence.
Capitol police officers who, in fact, genially escorted Jacob Chansley into many corners of the Capitol where he otherwise never would have walked on his own (all captured on video surveillance).
Jacob Chansley, who was sentenced to 41 months in federal prison for... what exactly?
What did he do?
When Tucker Carlson exposed the video that exonerated him, Jacob Chansley was quietly released. For which Tucker Carlson was apparently fired by Fox News over, about 2 weeks later.
Fired for telling the truth, exposing the truth. That there WAS NO violent "insurrection".

It was the greatest scam since the Nazis' burning of the Reichstag in 1933.
With a similar result, of giving the Democrats absolute authoritarian power, that rang in the beginning of Biden's reign of terror, mass arrests, and the purge of conservative Republicans from federal agencies, and even from the U.S. military. A consolidation of authoritarian absolute power, and a lesson in intimidation for anyone who dissents, and dares to say publicly that the 2020 presidential election was rigged (and it was), intimidation of anyone who would challenges the election integrity and ask for an audit of the votes.
Intimidation of anyone (even House and Senate members) who would Constitutionally and legally challenge the electoral vote based on the obvious election irregularities.
Intimidation of anyone, even circuit judges and U S Supreme Court justices, who might challenge the integrity of the election. That they too can face fake charges and imprisonment.

And all the ACTUAL violent offenders on Jan 6 2021 at the Capitol, all the disguised FBI and police agents provacateur who openly moved away police barriers, who waved crowds into the Capitol Building where they otherwise would never have gone, who DID clash with police and smash windows to provoke others to follow them into the building (excepting peaceful Trump supporters who didn't follow, didn't take the bait).
All these provocateurs (caught on 14,000 hours of video surveillance footage) could be identified easily and prosecuted, but clearly FBI and DOJ don't want to identify them (for example, Ray Epps), don't want to arrest or prosecute them, only want to prosecute the peaceful Trump supporters they set up and turned into patsies.

And after 2 unwarranted years in prison, in the worst conditions, under the weight of smothering falsified charges that are bankrupting them, charges by a Kafka-esque partisan FBI out to destroy them, that have cost them their businesses and jobs and caused their homes to be foreclosed, and could keep them in jail for another 20 years or more, many have under duress signed FBI-drafted plea bargains and admitted to "guilt" of made-up charges, just to end their ordeal.
Some of them have even committed suicide.
Watch the 1-hour documentary "America's Shame" that runs frequently on Newsmax, to see many of them and their lawyers explain their ordeal, and what the weaponized FBI is doing to them. Making an example of them, to intimidate and silence other conservatives from peacefully protesting and expressing political dissent. Just shut up and obey. Or else.