After four frigging years of dragging his feet, John Durham finally released his investigative report about the DOJ and FBI corruption in opening the Trump "Russia collusion" investigation, that FBI opened right before the 2016 presidential election.

FBI Ignored Alleged Clinton Campaign Election Meddling, Even After CIA Briefed Obama And Biden, Durham Report Says

So... they opened an investigation of Trump, despite that the evidence that would justify opening such an investigation was (and is) non-existent.
EVERY LAST ONE of the FBI and DOJ characters involved demonstrate fanatical hatred of Trump and Republicans, and ALL of them, either individually or together, worked to destroy Trump's campaign and presidency. Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Kevin Clinesmith, Bill Priestap, James Baker, Bruce and Nellie Ohr. Sally Yates. Rod Rosenstein. Andrew Weissmann, Robert Mueller. James Rybacki.
But Durham did not recommend prosecuting them. rolleyes

AND... despite that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC hired Perkins Coie law firm (who then hired Fusion GPS, who then hired Christopher Steele) to pay millions to Russian intelligence officials, to gather a smear-campaign "Russia dossier" to frame Trump, to influence and alter the outcome of the 2016 election... no investigation or indictment of anyone in the Hillary campaign, in the Obama administration who knew or even participated, or in the DNC. .

So Hillary Clinton and the DNC are the ones who engaged in "Russia collusion" as are the Democrat zealots in the FBI and DOJ, in unison with Fusion GPS , Christopher Steele and other agents. Such as Josef Mifsud and Stefan Halper, and Natalya Veselnitskaya, who were sent into the Trump campaign as assets or moles to trick Trump officials into taking bait to commit illegal acts (bait they did not take, and they actually notified the FBI of the offers, ironically informing the very agency attempting the entrap them!)

Fanatical FBI and DOJ Democrat-party zealots submitted false evidence to FISA court judges, engaged in malicious prosecution and about a dozen other federal crimes, each of these prosecutable to years in federal prison. But Durham's report recommends not prosecuting them for their crimes. For the torment and lives destroyed, of Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Carter Page, Michael Flynn, George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone, Michael Caputo, Sam Clovis, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and every member of the Trump family, many bankrupted by malicious prosecution of made up charges, some of whom served years in prison.
Just so these Democrat-loyalist Bolsheviks in the FBI and DOJ could destroy the Trump campaign, based on absolutely no evidence. Just for a ploy to let their Democrat candidate win. CRIMINAL abuse of federal power by each of these officials. Proveable. Undeniable. Prosecutable. Let them feel the same pain they have inflicted on others, and spend years in prison for their crimes.
But no.
John Durham recommends not prosecuting them.

Donald Trump endlessly indicted and prosecuted, who has committed no crime. And Durham's report says there was never evidence that warranted EVEN OPENING an investigation of him, or of officials in his campaign or administration. People who suffered immeasurably, FOR YEARS, from these fraudulent and malicious prosecutions.

And thenconversely, here are Hillary Clinton and the DNC, who ACTUALLY COMMITTED all the crimes that Trump and his associates were falsely accused of. But no investigation, no prosecution, no gigantic legal fees, no jail time, for these ACTUAL criminals.
And Durham doesn't even recommend indictment or punishment on the FBI and DOJ agents who maliciously put all this in motion. No investigation or prosecution of their crimes.

Yeah, that's fair.....

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Which just emboldens the Democrat-Bolsheviks in the DNC and federal agencies to do it again. Or more likely, to do far worse the next time.

Lois Lerner and the IRS went unpunished for what they did in 2010-2012.
That led to even more bold and grandiose abuses in 2016. And in 2018.

And while Democrats won't admit the evidence right in front of them ("Twittergate", the Morell/Blinkin fake letter of 51 intelligence officials, and the orchestrated election-rigging after 3 AM on election night 2020, simultaneously done in 6 battleground states. The intimidation of Republican legislators after, who would have contested it, and intimidation of municipal, circuit and U.S. Supreme Court judges. On and on. Try and deny it, but the evidence is right there.)

And then the clear abuses and rigging in the 2022 midterms, particularly in Arizona. There are multiple Trump-supported candidates that should have won, but suspiciously lost when the late-night votes were counted in Democrat-controlled election centers. Plus tens of millions in dark money funding Democrat candidates, in some cases hundreds of millions, where Democrats were on average outspending Republican opponents by 3-to-1 at a minimum, often 8 or 10 to 1.

Emboldened by this Durham deep state investigation that protects their own with just the lightest slap, one can only imagine the Democrat abuses and crimes coming in 2024.