This article by constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley, from a year ago, reminding us what all this wild speculation is REALLY all about by the Democrat/Left and their politics of personal destruction.

“[We all] Hope Clarence Thomas Dies”: UCLA Faces New Free Speech Controversy Over Social Media

UCLA is facing a new free speech controversy after its Director of Race and Equity, Jonathan Perkins, tweeted that he (like many) hoped Justice Clarence Thomas would die rather than recover from his recent illness. UCLA recently disciplined a student for controversial statements, but has stood by the right of Perkins to express such hateful viewpoints. Ironically, Perkins’ office has long posted anti-free speech positions to justify censorship and speech codes.

Perkins is a lawyer (with a J.D. from the University of Virginia) and previously worked in the General Counsel’s office of Harvard University.

When news spread of the hospitalization of Thomas, Perkins declared “No one wants to openly admit [we all] hope Clarence Thomas dies. Whatever you need to tell yourselves.” He further referred to objections to wishing death upon others as “silly” while adding a racist attack: “Uncle Thomas is a sexist token who’s committed himself to making us all share in he and his treasonous wife’s misery.”

Anna Spain Bradley, Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at UCLA, publicly stated that “this tweet does not reflect my or UCLA EDI’s views.”
It was a mild statement to be sure but I still support the right of Perkins and other faculty and students in being able to speak freely on social media. This was a personal viewpoint expressed outside of the school.

However, that was not the approach taken by UCLA in other controversies. Last year, UCLA athlete Chris Weiland was dismissed from the cross country and track & field team after video of him making racist, sexist and homophobic comments appeared on social media. The comments were overheard as Weiland spoke with his mother.

Avery Anderson, UCLA’s Director of Track and Field and Cross Country reinstated Weiland after a suspension, but then protests led to his dismissal.

UCLA’s Black Student-Athletes Alliance issued a statement that:

“UCLA knew about an incident of blatant racism, homophobia and sexism and did very minimal actions about it. … We do not feel safe with this person on campus, and we demand UCLA athletics take action immediately and remove this student from the team.”

Anderson responded to this and other objections by reversing her decision:

“It became clear that his continued involvement with the team is incompatible with the culture of mutual support and respect we’re fostering. I now realize that the decision to reinstate him was not the right decision, and that the action today is best for the well-being of our team.”

UCLA professors have also been subject to investigations and protests over their private speech or class policies that were denounced as racist. One professor is currently suing UCLA.

There are no such protests or actions taken over the hateful and racist comments of Perkins.

Notably, Perkins’ office espouses distinctly anti-free speech sentiments and calls classic defenses of free speech “myths.”


    Myth #1: Truth Always Prevails in the Marketplace of Ideas

    Myth #2: Freedom-of-Speech is Everything

    Myth #3: Only the Left (or Right) Hates Free Speech

    Myth #4: Censorship is a One-Way Street

[Many hold such views of the “myths of free speech” but this is a public university declaring that such views are myths. The official UCLA view that “free speech is [not] everything” and “censorship is [not] a One-Way Street” would not be supported by many citizens, particularly free speech advocates.

When it comes to Perkins, however, free speech will (correctly) protect him.

Further underscoring the intense hatred of the Democrat / Left for Clarence Thomas, and their zeal and eagerness to do and say anything, anything to dislodge him from power and destroy him. ALLEGE anything, without evidence, anything, to destroy him.
For 40 years.
See again the previous article I posted above.

I realize you're a true believer of the Democrat/Left, MEM, and you are eager to believe anything they allege as if it were fact. But the legal scholars, including Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz, both decidedly leftist/liberal legal scholars their entire lives, side with Clarence Thomas, that the allegations are unfounded, without evidence, and a deliberate attempt to viciously undermine both Clarence Thomas and the U S Supreme Court itself as an institution.

Which is basic Democrat / Leftist / Bolshevik /Cultural Marxism 1101: slander, undermine and destroy our Constitutional republic, so as to replace it with an authoritarian Marxist state, where the Democrat-Bolsheviks in power cannot even be challenged or questioned.

Which, once again, defines precisely how evil the Democrat party is.

Your party is weaponizing the DOJ, FBI and IRS against Donald Trump and his political followers, in a blatantly one-sided abuse of federal power, even as these same federal officials and agencies are giving a free pass and BURYING THE SOLID EVIDENCE against Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and her campaign, Barack Obama, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan, Anthony Blinken, Mike Morell, 51 intelligence officials who should lose their security clearance for signing a "Hunter Biden laptop looks like Russian disinformation" letter to rig the 2020 election, and dozens of other Democrat-Bolshevik corrupt partisan officials currently or formerly leading the DOJ, FBI, IRS, and other federal agencies.
"Vive le resistance !"
You don't even blink that the same people now PROVEN to have abused power in 2016 against Trump and his administration, orchestrated a similar operation in 2020, and rigged that election in doing so. And in the 2018 and 2022 mid-term elections?

You seem to have utter immunity to logic and facts.
And instead hold up unsubstantiated and slanderous Democrat / Left ALLEGATIONS as if they were facts. They are not.

I'll remind you that Rep. Adam Schiff assured us that there was absolute proof in closed-door testimony that was classified, that Trump was absolutely guilty of Russia collusion, and he just could not publicly disclose it. When later DNI directors Richard Grenell, and then John Ratcliffe released all those classified transcripts, those allegations against Trump turned out to be absolutely and unquestionably false. And Schiff was proven to be a vicious liar, who should already be removed from office and facing criminal charges for the boldness of his lies and misrepresentation of the actual facts. Just to undermine and destroy a governing president.