Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Hiding classified documents and lying and refusing to hand them over isn’t bogus. Trump deserves a fair trial but what I can tell from the evidence that’s a problem for him.

That might have the slightest credibility if DOJ and FBI had in over 30 years, pursued charges of espionage or top secret records violations against Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, on and on. Democrats (like their brethren in the 97% Democrat-donating FBI and DOJ) always seem to go completely free of investigation or prosecution, even in egregious cases of abuse and treason.
For example, Peter Strzok openly boasted he changed the wording of the statement James Comey wrote about Hillary Clinton's crimes eliminating the term "gross negligence" (which is a crime punishable by years in federal prison) to "extreme carelessness" (which is NOT a crime).
Strzok is a fanatic Democrat zealot.
Comey is a fanatic Democrat zealot.
And McCabe.
And Clinesmith.
I am he and he is me and we are all together. Against the Republicans.

By whatever illicit means. Which now includes "lawfare", the weaponization of the law against Republicans, burying them in groundless and frivolous lawsuits.
And conversely, protecting guilty as hell Democrats from any investigation or prosecution.