Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Your link goes to something else after second but I think you probably summarized it well enough. In other words your basic partisan hate porn. I’ve said it before, we’re one nation and basic values like honesty and kindness are and should be non partisan ones.

Link with Levin's above full opening editorial added and updated. I fully expect Youtube to take down videos of the full program within 24 hours of when posted, and they did.
They seem to allow videos that only show a portion of a full program from Fox News. Since 2019, they don't.

In any case, Levin details the historical facts of what the Democrat party has done since it was created roughly 200 years ago, on issues such as slavery, segregation, marginalizing blacks, forming and nurturing the Ku Klux Klan, and inciting mob violence against blacks and anyone else who threatens their power.
And over the last 50 years, Democrats' open Marxism and rabid anti-Americanism. I fail to see how that level of fact can be dismissed as "partisan hate porn".

Quite the contrary, the "hate porn" is coming from the Democrat party, that for years now won't even allow conservative-Republicans to speak at booksignings or university speaking appearances without being shouted down or physically attacked. NEVER any condemnation of this violent rhetoric, intimidation or steady attacks by ANYONE in the Democrat-Bolshevik party.
Precisely because they endorse it, and see it as intimidating and silencing their conservative opposition.

As I've cited QUOTED examples of, from just about every Democrat leader, from Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakkim Jeffries, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and her anti-semitic America-hating squad, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, "Mad Maxine" Waters, Hillary Clinton, on and on.
It is YOUR party that incites violence at every turn toward any dissenting thought from Republicans, and even toward their more moderate fellow Democrats and independents.

The rhetoric of the Democrat-Bolshevik party is terrifyingly like that of revolutionaries under Lenin and Stalin, under Mao Tse Tung (whom multiple Obama officials quoted WHILE SERVING in the Obama administration), Che Gueverra and Fidel Castro, and other genocidal Marxists these Democrats openly favor and emulate. These Democrats don't merely want to politically defeat Republicans, they want to destroy them, make them unable to find employment, make them confess their crimes in Soviet or Chinese Communist-style televised show trials, commit violence against them, and ultimately, to annihilate and kill them.
Again, I've cited and shown the video of these comments, from pretty much ALL the Democrat leadership, and (thank you Project Veritas !) from their campaign staffers and volunteers, and from grassroots Democrats in the street, and from writers and executives for the New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, CNN, PBS and every other mainstream media source. They want to take away conservatives' children (said an executive PBS lawyer, as well as by dozens of Democrat/gay/trans/progressive" teachers IN THEIR OWN POSTED VIDEOS on Facebook, Youtube, Tik Tok and Snapchat. And as I just linked above, in videotaped public protests).

Conservative "partisan hate porn" ?!? NO. It is just verifiable fact that this is what Democrats from the leadership on down have said is their intent, OVER AND OVER. FOR YEARS.

AGAIN: as with Hitler's Mein Kampf, when a revolutionary tells you their intent, as these Democrats have, as their Antifa and Black Lives Matter storm troopers have done, often quoting the rhetoric of A O-C and other Democrat leaders, without punishment, without even verbal condemnation, that is a clear message from the Democrat leadership: KEEP DOING THAT VIOLENCE, IT SERVES OUR CAUSE.
And the weaponization of the FBI, DOJ, CIA and IRS, that consistently target Republicans for selective prosecution, and sabotage the cases against people like Lois Lerner, Anthony Weiner, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Peter Strzok, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Pill Priestap, James Baker, Kevin Clinesmith, Bruce and Nellie Ohr and dozens of others.

Kamala Harris and others even created a legal fund in Minneapolis in 2020 during the George Floyd riots, to bail out the most violent BLM and Antifa offenders, so they could go right out and commit more violence.
There is not one Democrat leader who has condemned any of this. So that is a FACT, not "hate porn".





And not one Democrat condemns it.