Or, we call you crazy...because you're fucking crazy.

Because, again, your same logic works the other way...you demonize and desperately try to discredit any and everything on the left. Why? Could it be that you are doing exactly that you hate about others?Fuck. You still think I'm a commie even though, on the whole, I've voted for more Republicans and Libertarians than Democrats.

I disagree with a lot on the left. And, fully concede that the left lacks critical nuance on a lot of those social issues you yammer on about. My problem isn't the whole of the left or the right though. It is the reactionary douchebags on both sides, like yourself, that are engaging in an escalating game of stupidity with each other for what you'd like to believe is to be the guiding hand of this country...at the expense of this country and what it stands for. Fuck you and them.