Originally Posted by iggy
I think he probably was supposed to win, but the butterfly ballot and how it was handled cost him the presidency. That said, SCotUS ruled that's what called it. There was respect for the process even when the process showed that it naturally isn't perfect.

I watched the 1/6 thing to make sure dude didn't try to start the Second Civil War and I'll be damned if he didn't attempt to do something uniquely stupid in his temper tantrum. I didn't vote for Hillary or Joe, but that didn't stop me from seeing the problem. I can't fathom Wondy's levels of delusion.

Total B.S. rationalization.

I VOTED in Palm Beach County on the "butterfly ballot" in 2000 (that would supposedly confuse Al Gore voters and make them accidentally vote for Pat Buchanan). I had absolutely no problem seeing what to punch for what candidate, and voted for Ralph Nader. The last time I voted for an independent candidate. Palm Beach County was ONE COUNTY in a state of 67 counties, it did NOT change the outcome of the election. And Republicans did a re-count in all 67 counties, THREE TIMES !
Three times, before the world media, before the Supreme Court finally called an end to further recounts.
And even so, several major newspapers in the year after did their own recounts, that only showed Bush won by an even larger margin. Whereas the Democrat-Bolsheviks tried to only re-count the counties they felt they could turn, AND wanted to exclude military overseas ballots that they knew would favor Bush.
I'd also point out how many times corrupt Democrat elections supervisors in Dade and Broward counties have tried to rig elections, the last not long ago in 2018, trying to rig the governor race for the disgraced Andrew Gillum, attempting to steal it from Ron Desantis.

I even still have my Palm Beach County sample ballot for posterity, that I've rediscovered in my files and thumbed through a few times in the last 23 years.

Oh. And Democrats also blamed Ralph Nader for Al Gore losing the election, another idiot rationalization by Democrats, to try and explain why their candidate lost.
Every election Democrats have lost since 2000 they have come up with multiple scapegoats to demonize for why their guy (or gal) lost. And then they call the Republican who won "illegitimate", and say they "STOLE" the election, undermine the Republican for their entire term, Bush for 8 years, Trump for 4 years and counting. .
EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. 2000, 2004, 2016.

But if anyone questions the ACTUAL irregularities and ACTUAL election fraud when their Democrat-Bolshevik candidate won, how dare you !
"Undermining democracy !"
"Treason !"
The Democrats stole the 2012 election, there is considerable evidence of that.
They tried to steal 2016, but didn't rig enough illegal votes to surpass Trump's unanticipated popularity.
And more evident than either of those, there is abundant proof that the 2020 election was stolen, through multiple streams of election fraud. That I've abundantly posted evidence of, and even so, only a tiny fraction of the available evidence.

Never mind that there are legal processes set up in every state to contest elections and verify their fairness.
And that the votes at every polling station have to be kept in storage for 22 months so they can be recounted AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. That Democrats, suspiciously, SHREDDED "accidentally" in several locations immediately after the 2020 election.
Because Democrat-Bolsheviks are such sticklers for democracy and maintaining the rule of law. rolleyes


As far as your January 6th 2021 allegations B.S.,... Trump on Jan 6th 2021 gave a speech from 12 noon to 1:11 PM, and said, "I know in a few minutes you're going to to go over to the Capitol, to PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support" for the Republican Senate and House members LEGALLY challenging the electoral vote.
According to legal procedure.
THE SAME way Democrats had challenged the 2000, 2004 and 2016 elections. Apparently challenging elections is only legitimate when Democrats do it.

Further, the riots began at about 12:40 PM, while the ACTUAL Trump supporters were still in front of the White House listening to Trump's speech. Trump had been scheduled to speak from 11 AM -12:10 PM, but started an hour late at 12 noon, which screwed up the timing of the deep state FBI and DC Metro police's false flag operation.

As I've said repeatedly, only about 600 people went inside the Capitol building.
Of those, only about 60 committed any acts of clashing with police, violence or theft of souvenirs.
Of that 60 (as admitted in Senate testimony by Jill Sanborn, deputy chief of the FBI's counter terrorism division, leading the Jan 6th FBI investigations) "at least 20" FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters (i.e., "un-indicted co-conspirators" as FBI describe their own undercover agents in these reports) were among the crowd of Trump supporters, and some apparently disguised as uniformed police officers, moving away police barriers, and admitting protesters inside the Capitol building.
TRICKING THEM into breaking the law, into trespassing, some breaking windows, that they hoped other Trump supporters would follow into violence and vandalism.
Trump supporters DID NOT, and in many cases stopped the vandals themselves. As can plainly be seen in multiple videos.

The evidence of these 20-plus undercover FBI agents on Jan 6th was reported (by Revolver News, and by AmericanGreatness) from the FBI's own investigative reports. Jill Sanborn in testimony refused to elaborate when questioned by Sen. Ted Cruz, by Sen. Ron Paul and others.
She would only say "Senator, I can't answer that". Because if she DID answer (either confirming it as she should have, or had committed perjury by denying it) she would open herself up to a perjury conviction later.
She would not deny that disguised FBI agents were posing in the crowd as Trump supporters.
She would not deny that disguised FBI agents tried to incite Trump to violence. (Ray Epps, anyone? For openers)
She would not deny that disguised FBI agents committed violence and vandalism themselves.
Game over. GAME OVER. The Democrat-weaponized FBI are exposed.

There was also John Earle Sullivan and his group of Antifa followers among the Jan 6th crowd, who account for about 20 more, who ALSO disguised themselves as Trump supporters, and openly gloated in many posted videos how they were going to get Trump supporters blamed, or trick them into doing vandalism or violence. These videos are all over the internet.
***AND*** John Earle Sullivan and his Antifa followers were feet away from an UNARMED Ashley Babbitt when she was pointlessly shot by a Capitol police detective.

Further, an article I posted a few months ago reported that DC Metro Police disclosed, roughly 2 years later, that 10 DC Metro officers were ALSO dressed undercover as Trump supporters.


That's "at least 20" FBI undercover agents disguised as Trump supporters.
About 20 Antifa, led by John Earle Sullivan, disguised as Trump supporters.
And 10 DC Metro officers undercover disguised as Trump supporters.
That's 50 of the 60 !!!!!
Out of a crowd of well over 100,000 "PEACEFUL and patriotic" Trump supporters they tried to incite or frame.

Further, throughout the afternoon, Trump on social media in the hours after his speech, every 30 minutes or so sent out texts further urging his supporters to remain peaceful.

And when what little rioting did occur happened, Trump within about an hour prepared a video message that was sent out and urged everyone to immediately go home.
Which to the astonishment of the police managing the crowd, over 100,000 Trump supporters immediately and obediently did.

Further, in preparation for any possible disturbance DAYS in advance, Trump as president had issues an order for up to 20,000 National Guard to be sent into Washington Square, to prevent any possible disruption on January 6th.
An order by Trump that Nancy Pelosi obstructed.
That Chuck Schumer likewise refused and obstructed.
That Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser IN WRITING sent a letter refusing.
So... WHO is at fault for the rioting? At every stage, NOT Trump. Why is there no investigation or mention OF THIS ?!?

No one has even bothered to ask or hold accountable Schumer or Pelosi.
Nor has Schumer been held accountable and charged with soliciting the attack on Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Or the many Democrats (virtually ALL of them) who cheered on the BLM riots in 2020 nationwide.
Or Alexaandra Ocasio-Cortez and others, whose incendiary rhetoric about ICE and Border patrol was repeated almost verbatim by Antifa attackers at two separate ICE compounds, firing on ICE agents, before these maniacs were killed. No accountability, no charges, no hearings, no media scrutiny. NONE.

The violence in May 2020 on the White House by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, that forced Secret Service to evacuate President Trump to a safer location, ***FAR*** exceeded the violence and destruction on January 6th.
Likewise the violence in Minneapolis in the 2020 BLM riots. Severaal square miles looted and burned to the ground. A war zone.
Likewise duplicated in 575 other cities nationwide. Over 2,000 police injured, 25 people killed by BLM rioters.

Likewise the Democrat rioting on Trump's inauguration day in January 2017. Violence and destruction that ***FAR*** exceeded the vastly exaggerated January 6th Democrat narrative of "insurrection".
Totaal B.S.
It's all just another Democrat-Bolshevik narrative. And it is unraveling a little more every day.