Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
This was expected and one I had hoped to see.
Trump the election thief and foe of democracy

DNCNN. rolleyes Centerpiece of George Orwell's liberal state-run media narrative.


You're approving of 4 (so far) fake "lawfare" indictments of President Trump, where Manhattan district attorney Bragg, special prosecutor Jack Smith (who is a clear hyperpartisan and has no business being assigned to such an important case, tied to multiple FAILED partisan cases maaliciously targeting Republicans over the last 20 years, deeply tied to the Deep State agents in the FBI, and guilty of prosecutorial misconduct in multiple cases, and who should not even be a DOJ lawyer at this point.
I had to laugh at how CNN, the Associated Press, and Wikipedia all sugarcoated Jack Smith's slimy legal history.

Jack Smith, who had a case against the Republican Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, that was overturned by the Supreme Court for prosecutorial misconduct, after which Jack Smith was moved out of country to the International Criminal Court, when he should have been fired for losing so many cases and for repeated prosecutorial misconduct and breach of ethics. Jack Smith's wife is likewise a rabid Democrat, who has made documentaries about Michelle Obama, and is a huge donor to Democorat candidates, including Biden in 2020. ALL of this cements how unqualified and far from impartial Jack Smith is, to be assigned a case involving Donald Trump. A special prosecutor should have an unquestionable career history of being impartial. Jack Smith is a partisan on a par with James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok.

To be tried in Washington DC, deep state central, where the jury-pool population is also about 93% rabidly anti-Trump. Oh yeah, that's fair...

And by the weirdest coincidence, the DC case is "randomly" assigned by the wildest coincidence, to the most hyperpartisan judge in DC, an Obama appointed rabidly Democrat judge, who worked at (as did Hunter Biden) the most partisan Democrat law firm in the United States.
And that judge has a record of sentencing January 6th defendants way beyond their recommended sentences. And for what? Trespassing? Taking selfies in the Capitol?

In each of these Trump indictments, they are not clear cases of wrongdoing by Trump that violate clear legal statutes, they are made-up cases that splice laws and jurisdictions together that have never been done in a prior case.
It is CLEARLY weaponization of DOJ and FBI, and a special prosecutor assignedby President Biden and A G Merrick Garland to attack Biden's political opponent, in a way worthy of Soviet Russia or communist China.
Jack Smith, DOJ and FBI are shaking down innocent people, laborers at Mar A Lago, violating attorney-client privelege, shaking down Trump's attorneys, intimidating lawyers from even representing Trump.

And you're perfectly okay with this. What a loyal Bolshevik you are.