Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
As for Hunter Biden, you’re so exposed WB. Fact is the house is republican controlled and can start impeachment hearings anytime they want. You say they have the evidence so maybe you should be asking them what the hold up is? Bottom line, they don’t or otherwise they would have done what they’ve been itching to do since day one.

The hold-up is, the Republicans are doing everything by the book and preparing the evidence in the least partisan way they can.

They are still researching and gathering further evidence, not getting out over their ski's, not just with what they already have, but so much more evidence they are gathering, bank records, preparing witnesses, SARs reports, evidence of perjury by Biden and son Hunter, poring over tens of thousands of Hunter Biden Laptop documents, recorded phone messages by Burisma executives, Ukrainian investigator Viktor Shokin's records, on and on.

Unlike piece of shit Rep Adam Schiff from 2017-2020 against Trump, Republican investigators are not just going in front of the cameras to allege things untrue and refusing to release the closed door testimony in order to keep the lie alive, but building the ACTUAL PROOF for what they assert.

Republicans are building the case to impeach Biden, with evidence that even the Democrats will have to acknowledge warrants impeachment.
Rather than just partisanly and one-sidedly slandering their opponents with no interest in actual facts, as the Democrats did against Trump.