Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
... if then-V P Mike Pence, as president of the elector-vote joint session on January 6 2021 had done his job, he would have noted the irregularities in the 2020 election, NOT approved the elector votes, and Pence would have instead sent the electors back to their respective 50 states to investigate election fraud.
After that, Pence could have approved the elector votes at a later date, if no fraud could be proven, but at least he would have allayed the legitimate concerns of a majority of Republican legislators in the room, and the legitimate concerns of at least 74.3 million Republican voters nationwide.
But no, Instead Pence just rubber-stamped a visibly corrupt (or at best clearly questionable) election, and handed over the country to Joe Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks, who have done more damage to the country than any president in history over the last 3 years. Without investigation before approving the elector vote, over 50% of voters will never accept this as a legitimate election.
Not just me, but millions, Republican, Democrat, and independent.
Pence could have prevented that. He didn't.

"Heroes like Pence and Cheney" are NOT heroes. They are Judases, who sold out the country, for their own political gain, trying to shove Trump down into the mud, so they could step over his political corpse and take over the Republican party. It didn't work.

And almost 3 years later, further evidence of election tampering and fraud has become more evident. The wide perception that the 2020 election was rigged HAS INCREASED, not decreased.
And even among Democrats, if not for the social media censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story in Oct-Nov 2020, about 15 percent OF DEMOCRATS say they would NOT have voted for Biden in 2020, and Trump would have won.

And further evidence of Democrat election tampering was exposed by the "Twitter Files".
Democrat former FBI and CIA agents, who had moved on to high legal positions at Twitter, Facebook, Google and other social media giants, worked to corruptly censor information about Biden, falsely banning information about the Hunter Biden laptop as "Russian disinformation" to prevent Biden from losing, that THEY KNEW was not disinformation, that THEY KNEW was true and accurate information. And used their power to deprive voters of that information.

I don't know what your "basic principles" are, but they seem pretty far removed from ethics and the facts.

Your "principles" seem to be about the Democrat-Bolsheviks winning elections by any means and at all costs, and in revisionism portraying these deceptions and strong-arm tactics as "heroic".
And you seem perfectly okay with silencing Republicans, weaponizing IRS, FBI, DOJ and CIA against their Republican opposition, imprisoning Republicans on false charges, and using violence and intimidation against Republicans.
You seem totally on board with that.

Those are your "heroes", the liars who would do that.
And as I've detailed in multiple other topics, the people in the inner circles around the Clintons and the Obamas worship these communist radical governments, so it is no surprise they use the same tactics as their communist role models, when they themselves rise to positions of power. You are cheering on the people trying to turn our constitutional republic into a one-party authoritarian Marxist state. And you seem utterly immune to the facts that this is occurring, as you cheer on the Marxists as if they were defending democracy, instead of doing the opposite, as they truly are.

Trump is the opposite of a "corrupt leader", he is trying to route out the corruption that has infested the uni-party corrupt elite for decades. That is why the Democrat-Bolsheviks are fighting Trump with everything they've got to stop him. If you were not brainwashed with a twisted leftist spin of the facts, you would see that. No one has ever fought harder and more courageously, against a corrupt system trying to get him, than Trump.

You don't even question the attempts to go after Trump's attorneys, the violations against his constitutional right to counsel. Prosecuting lawyers, just for lawfully defending their client !

You don't question their going after an impeccable lawyer like Giuliani, spying on him, illegally tapping into his private ATTORNEY-CLIENT communications, disbarring him as a lawyer?
That is Soviet-level invasion of privacy, Soviet-level intimidation and abuse of power.
Okay, you don't like Trump, but he has constitutional rights to attorney-client privelege and representation. But your side shreds the Constitution. And you have no problem with that.
Let alone the 1,000 or so January 6th defendents, 90% of whom were imprisoned for being duped by undercover FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters, who moved barricades, sso they didn'te even know they had walked into a restricted area. "Criminal trespass" at most, and yet they are kept in unsanitary conditions and treated worse than Al Qaida prisoners are at Guantanamo.

Has it ever occurred to you for a second that YOUR side is evil, and has Marxist-authoritarian intent, and Trump and his supporters have done nothing wrong?
Or are you so indoctrinated that all you care about is that the Democrat-Bolsheviks win, at all cost?

Trump has played by the rules, the (Democrat-controlled) FBI and DOJ have done multiple raids on his homes and Mar A Lago, in desperate search of ANYTHING they could prosecute him on, and Trump is so guilty that they found... nothing. NOTHING.
So these multiple prosecutions are just Democrats' last attempt to damage and stop Trump's 2024 campaign. And in doing so, Democrats are proving THEY are the ones who are criminal, THEY are the ones who are corrupt, THEY are the ones who are un-Constitutional and un-American.
And like a good Bolshevik, you just mindlessly repeat their lying talking points.