Originally Posted by iggy
panic It wasn't rigged and your evidence has been rejected everywhere. Cry harder.panic

My sources who got it right the first time, and 2 or 3 years later, everything you believed, about the origins of Covid-19, about Covid Vaccines, about DOJ and FBI and IRS rigging the Biden investigations, about federal agencies and big tech colluding to suppress facts about Biden treason, about 51 "Intelligence officials" calling the Hunter Biden laptop story Russian disinformation because they were Democrat liars using their positions to lie to voters and rig the 2020 election, ALL have been proven absolutely true,

While what you stubbornly cling to as reliable news sources in CNN, Washington Post, Politico, New York Times and the like, have all been proven to be absolute shit garbage, Orwellian Newspeak, who in their liberal partisan zealotry deliberately got the story wrong. And leftist schmucks like you ate it up, because you desperately wanted to believe it. Even as we tried to warn you.
Sharyl Attkisson, Hilldale College, Slanted Journalism in the 2020 election - extensive sourced examples (55 minutes)

I'm not the one crying, I'm the one citing sourced information, PROVEN RIGHT.
