Originally Posted by iggy
The Capitol PD officer voted Trump in 2016, hoser. He got suspended from the force for wearing a MAGA hat. Surely, he has no axe to grind...

::eye roll::


Capitol Police Officer in MAGA Hat Saves Cops From Rioters

The Capitol Police officer in a MAGA hat. What’s the real story?

Tarik Khalid Johnson is a Capitol police lieutenant who was suspended after putting on a red MAGA hat, but a video shows him convincing Trump supporters to help him save multiple police officers from inside the Capitol building. You can watch the video later in this story.

A report in the Wall Street Journal says Johnson donned the MAGA hat only to trick rioters into letting him usher other officers to safety.

According to the newspaper, Johnson told colleagues the MAGA hat “was a ruse that was part of an unusual plan to rescue more than a dozen trapped police officers.” A witness told the newspaper that Johnson’s actions led to a key door being shut, preventing more rioters from entering the building.

....he described this in the video, pretending to be sympathetic to protesters who outnumbered him, to get himself and others past them.

In your hysteric desperation to attack him, you overlooked this fact right in front of you.
