Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think the GOP plans cited above are pretty obviously not about depoliticizing but exactly about the opposite WB. They’re pretty open about them. I think where we differ is you’re good on people losing their job if they’re not conservative while I don’t think your political affiliation either way should be a factor on most of these jobs.

No, DEMOCRATS are the cheaters and have tried to steal multiple elections since 2000, and they get increasingly more aggressive and deceiftul every 2 years.

Republicans are trying to counter-act that with Republican lawyers and vote observers, only to prevent Democrats from further rigging elections.

And really, back to the 1960 election, where JFK's father Joe Kennedy used his mafia connections to rig the Illinois state election. And likewise LBJ's political machine rigged Texas for JFK.
It is even more documented that Joe Kennedy rigged Senate elections for JFK and RFK. This was even mentioned in the left-leaning PBS' documentary (WGBH Boston-produced) American Experience series 4-hour episode "The Kennedys", regarding RFK's rigged Senate election.