
You would think that.

Chris Christie is OBVIOUSLY another corrupt deep state actor, who has a vendetta against Trump, for not appointing Christie attorney general or some other prestigious cabinet position in 2017.

Christie is a malicious attack dog who had 9% political support in his own state when he left as governor, and still has his own large bag of scandals weighing him down from any possible rise. He has absolutely no prayer of becoming the presidential candidate. Republicans hate him, HATE him. Everywhere.
Christie's only purpose is to relentlessly attack Trump, try to smear Trump and lower his poll numbers. And even that effort is failing miserably.

The anti-Trump Republican establishment gives their full backing to Ron Desantis, Chris Christie, Asa Hutchison, Nikki Haley, and Mike Pence.
All serve the same purpose, as GOP establishment attack dogs, sponsored and sent to bloody Trump. And every one of them has hurt their own poll numbers by going after Trump.

Like Mitt Romney and George W. Bush in late 2016, who never had a negative word to say in 8 years of Barack Obama's wacking America with a nation-destroying socialist/Marxist wrecking ball, but then came out of the woodwork to attack Trump, even after the 2016 primary was over, and Trump was the Republican candidate.
Following the exact same trajectory, here comes Chris Christie out of nowhere to attack Trump on a suicide mission. I think it entirely possible some sinister billionaire player bankrolled Chistie to do this hit job.

But again, the beauty is, Christie's failing regardless.