Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Given that Trump has been indicted for doing exactly what you’re accusing the other side of doing I think you have it wrong. Making lots of false accusations that may sound great on your propaganda media doesn’t translate to actual reality in a court of law. Also the article I linked about republicans plans to dismantle the U.S. government seems unrelated to your responses. What do lawyers and vote observers have to do with firing huge amounts of people and replacing them with loyal republicans? That’s their plan laid out for everyone to see WB.

Trump has been indicted for NO REASON, other than that the Democrat-Bolsheviks in FBI and DOJ could abuse their power to do so, in an effort to keep a puppet who shares their radicalism as president, to protect them from prosecution for their CRIMES.
James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, James Baker, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, Barack Obama and Joe Biden (the Jan 5 1917 meeting, where they mapped out how to go after and frame Michael Flynn), John Brennan, Gina Haspel, Sally Yates, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, James Rybacki, Susan Rice, Bill Priestap, Andrew Weissmann, James Clapper. Every agency head, EVERY AGENCY, every prominent Democrat. The Hillary Clinton campaign, Perkins Coie law firm, Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, and the wider DNC, **ALL** in on it. I think that is one reason the FBI and DOJ are flying so much cover, because it will disgrace and destroy Barack Obama and his presidential legacy, because he clearly knew about the Russsia Dossier, knew about the illegal FISA warrants, knew about the FISA unmaskings of hundreds of people, and openly planned with 6 others (including Biden) in the Oval Office to frame and destroy Michael Flynn, on Jan 5 2017. To prevent Michael Flynn from uncovering their many criminal abuses, and further, Biden's criminality in the Iran nuclear deal.

Joseph Mifsud. Natalya Veselnitskaya. It just goes on and on, and will be easily uncovered, once the FBI and DOJ's wall of obstruction is broken.

Democrats are destroying the rule of law and abusing their power to do so. They illegally obtained FISA warrants with a fake Russia dossier, to get FOUR consecutive FISA warrants, to spy on a presidential candiddate and then continued to when he was a sitting president, and everyone they were in contact with, hundreds, FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR. ON A FRAUDULENT WARRANT ! Plus the Hunter Biden laptop, and Joe and Hunter Biden selling U.S. national security for at least $21 million in illegal wire payments, estimated to fully be 50 or 100 million.
And you're perfectly okay with that, so long as the Democrats win.

You have no ethics. And you cheer the shredding of our Constitution and sovereignty.

Welcome to George Orwell's 1984
For Democrats, that book is an instruction manual, not a warning.