Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
So the end result of her bad behavior for you is a partisan attack on the media. Sexually groping a date at a kids show but at least neither were in drag I guess, lol. Pretty fucked up values imho

Originally Posted by WHAT WB ACTUALLY SAID
But, y'know, if Boehbert were a Democrat U.S. Representative doing the exact same thing, or were a transexual man in drag, giving lapdances to elementary school children at some bookreading event, that would be no big deal in the liberal media, and would get minimal coverage.
That said, Boebert is impossible to defend on this one, having created a disturbance in multiple ways in a public theatre, where patrons were no doubt paying top dollar to even be there.
And it didn't help that she wasn't honest about it, and then got busted with the video that forced her to tell the truth.

I said her behavior was impossible to defend. PERIOD.

I only additionally said that if Boebert were a Democrat, her fellow Dems and the liberal media would find a way to defend the indefensible, by either directly excusing it, by accussing the Republicans of "weaponizing" it just by calling her on it (portraying her as a victim, for her own actions), or by the liberal media's most-used tactic of selective omission of even mentioning it, as they often do for the UNDENIABLE FACTS regarding the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens and for so many other Democrat scandals that you only see covered in conservative media, despite how abundantly evidenced as true.

And you pretty much proved my point, that male pedophiles in drag doing lapdances for children doesn't even register on your radar,.
But OH! OHHHH!, Lauren Boebert fondling her date in the audience, sitting in the dark, while everyone is watching the stage where the only light is, is somehow a crime worse than gassing 6 million Jews, worse than pedophelia, and worse than Joe and Hunter Biden's abundantly proven treason.

I clearly said Boebert's actions are indefensible. Not the worst actions in the above contrasted actual crimes, but indefensible on their own.
I only said that Democrats and the media would excuse the same actions, if Boebert were a Democrat. That multiple recent past examples prove that.
And listed several sexually scandalized Democrats that you don't even see any shame in.

I could add Paul Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, and the other Democrat congresswoman who had a threesome with one of her congressional aides and her husband (and the aide said in a reported text that the relationship emotionally damaged her). And the congrssswoman similarly (as is the Democrat pattern) blamed Republicans just for exposing the relationship and nude photos THAT SHE TOOK AND POSTED HERSELF in her text messages. But Republicans are responsible for, in her Bizarro logic.
Barney Frank.
Jeffrey Epstein.
Harvey Weinstein.
Gerry Studds.

The list is really endless, of Democrats who don't take responsibility for their own actions. It's always the Republicans' fault for simply acknowledging the facts and condemning or ridiculing Dems' actions for doing it.

I give some slight credit to Boebert for apologizing and taking responsibility for her own actions that night, although she initially tried to deny it, and finally did apologize when the video showed she actually did vape, make disruptive noise, and maybe grope her male date inside the play auditorium. But that apology is more than any of the Democrats I listed ever gave, in the same indefensible situation.

Thank you for proving me right, that Democrats excuse and ignore the same actions from Democrats.
Portraying Boebert fondling her date as the ultimate evil, while not even acknowledging Democrat pedophile transgender freaks fondling kids, as the slightest bit worthy of notice or condemnation.