Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
The conservative press does act like a propaganda arm for your party. Conservatives are fine with bias if it’s what they want to hear. Boebert’s scandal for example is being covered differently by Fox News than if she had been a democrat. There would have been a more sensational headline, more coverage and the stuff they buried at the bottom would have been in the first paragraph. I think they didn’t even do a story until she apologized did they?

Propaganda is the liberal media saying "Donald Trump incited an insurrection on Jan 6 2021," with nothing to back it up,
AND SUPPRESSING THE FACTS AND THE VIDEO OF WHAT TRUMP ACTUALLY SAID, as the liberal media did for months, to sell a deliberately false narrative and to fly cover for Biden and the Democrats.
Conservatives didn't cover that with "bias".
They presented the hard (and largely suppressed) FACTS that proved Trump's innocence.

The liberal media (including Google, Facebook and Youtube) even suppressed Trump's Jan 6 2021 speech virtually everywhere online, so that no one could even verify what Trump ACTUALLY SAID that day. To verify for themselves if Trump actually did "incite" an "insurrection" that day.
Trump DID NOT "incite" a riot, or insurrection or whatever.
That was all just liberal media narrative. Deliberate misrepresentation and suppression of the true facts.

CONSERVATIVE media allowed you to see in a tiny sliver of media coverage what the truth was.
In truth, Trump issued an executive order for up to 20,000 troops to be deployed around the Capitol on Jan 6th, to PREVENT any possible riot or civil unrest.
Pelosi, Schumer, and DC mayor Muriel Bowser PREVENTED those troops from being deployed. THEY caused the riot on January 6th.
Trump throughout the day on Jan 6th, first in his 70-minute speech, and then at least twice an hour all afternoon on social media on Jan 6th, over and over instructed his supporters to "remain peaceful", and respect the police on Jan 6th.

Within about 90 minutes of when a small group of protesters about 2:30 PM broke into the Capitol, Trump urged his supporters to refrain from violence.
And really, those committing the violence and vandalism were in truth not Trump supporters.
By FBI's own admission (Jill Sanborn, Chris Wray, in Senate testimony) "at least 20" undercover FBI agents D*I*S*G*U*I*S*E*D as Trump supporters were placed in the crowd. Neither Sanborn or Wray would answer if these undercover agents encouraged violence, led violence, or committed violence themselves. Only saying "Senator, I can' answer that."
Plus the "at least 20" agents DHS admitted they also sent undercover into the crowd, D*I*S*G*U*I*S*E*D as Trump supporters.
Plus at least 10 DC Metro officersalso admits they sent undercover into the crowd on Jan 6th, disguised as Trump supporters.
And at least 20 John Earle Sullivan-led Antifa also in the crowd, proven in their own video openly gloating about framing Trump supporters, D*I*S*G*U*I*S*E*D as Trump supporters
Totalling at least 70 anti-Trump agents disguised as Trump supporters, who could easily be all of the 60 who were involved in vandalism and violence that day, out of "well over 100,000 " PEACEFUL protesters that day, according to the estimate of police who monitor large protest crowds in Washington DC every single day..

We know all of that now because of Conservative media, who reported the FACTS that mainstream/liberal media suppressed and deliberately misrepresented, conservative media who often faced threats and federal and leftist intimidation for doing so, just for reporting the true facts.

And further reporting the facts that exposed the false narrative of "five people KILLED that day by white racist Trump supporters".
In fact there were Z*E*R*O people killed that day by Trump supporters.
Officer Brian Sicknick (HIMSELF a Trump supporter, who wrote his congressman in protest to the first Trump impeachment a year earlier in Jan 2020) died of a stroke., according to the coroner's report, and according to his own brother 2 days after Jan 6th. THIS WAS KNOWN ALMOST IMMEDIATELY, but the liberal media buried it in a false narrative. I POSTED a link to this coroners's report that also quoted Sicknick's brother, a few weeks after the fact. But Sicknick's actual cause of death by stroke was deliberately buried in an ocean of liberal Democrat-Bolshevik propaganda, idespie that the coroner and Sicknick's brother reavealed the true facts were reported only 2 days after the event, suppressed by the New York Times and liberal media, in favor of a self-serving false narrative by the Democrat party, New York Times, and other liberal Newspeak media.

The others who died, one man in his 50's of a heart attack, another man in his 50's of a stroke, a third 34 year old Trump supporter who died of unclear causes, but died during CPR and had health problems, and 35 year old Air Force veteran Ashlee Babbitt who was shot by Capitol police Lieutenant Byrd for no reason, ALL WERE TRUMP SUPPORTERS, N*O*T killed by Trump supporters. There are also reports by investigative reporters, of Capitol police firing concussion grenades over and over into crowds of PEACEFUL protesters, and some investigators have argued this trauma of being repeatedly hit with concussion grenades could have killed these three, since they had previous medically diagnosed fragile health before they ever arrived to protest

I've seen no evidence that the Trump supporters, whether peaceful or rioters, were ever proven to be "white supremacist" or "insurrectionist". As I've sourced often, Jill Sanborn, the FBI assistant director of counter terrorism, grudgingly acknowledged in Senate questioning THAT THERE WAS NOT ONE FIREARM confiscated in or around Washington Square that day. How exactly do you have an "insurrection", white supremacist or otherwise, without any weapons?!?
Another liberal media false narrative, FACTUALLY disproven by FBI investivative reports, and by FBI leadership's Senate testimony under oath.

These are just a few of the myriad lies told by the liberal media, that conservative media, far from being propaganda, disproved with THE FACTS.
Documented and undeniable. From officials, and from the FBI's own investigative reports.

On the subject of Lauren Boebert, I laughed because in this case the article I linked from Fox News was like a liberal media report, where liberal media hype something sensational in the headline, and buried in the final paragraphs of an article (that most don't read, beyond the headline) is the part they don't want to tell you. The true facts are there, but few people read to the last paragraph.
But regardless, Fox News did report it, but I laughed at the shift in emphasis as compared to the liberal media's version. I don't know if Boebert was "fondling" her male companion or if that is a lurid distortion of the mainstream media. But certainly, the mainstream media focused on the most lurid and sensational allegations, whereas Fox News arguably focused on the part that could be proven.

As for your saying "I think they [conservative media] didn’t even do a story until she apologized", conservative media was definitely covering this all along, but to my knowledge Newsmax and Fox both covered the theatre's video surveillance as it was revealed, 3 days later, and Boebert's apology did not occur until today.
And as I said, even with Fox's coverage of Boebert's apology, it's nice that she apologized, but it still looks bad that she tried to deny it until the video of her disruptive behavior surfaced, so regardless, her behavior that night remains indefensible. And Fox and Newsmax pulled no punches in reporting that today. And even made a few jokes about it at Boebert's expense. For what it's worth, she did apologize and take responsibility.

Compare that to, say Senator Dick Durbin, who said in 2004 of U.S. soldiers in Iraq, comparing them to "Soviet Gulags, Nazi storm troopers, and the Pol Pot regime". When Durbin was called on his remarks on PBS News Hour in 2004 and in other interviews, he said then, and says to this day, he "was taken out of context". No, he clearly said it, and never apologized. Even 20 years later. While Boebert's admission and apology had to be pushed, at least she did apologize. Whereas Durbin and many Democrats never have. Being a Democrat with the media completely on your side, means never having to say you're sorry.

Another example is Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, when an Antifa member shot up an ICE compound, screaming rhetoric identical to that of A O-C and Kamala Harris and dozens of other Democrats, before the Antifa shooter was shot dead. She has been asked by dozens of reporters about the fact that he was screaming words identical to hers, and she never apologizes, never even acknowledges the question. Nor do any of them.
I guess that's "right wing media propaganda" too.
