Originally Posted by iggy
Man, Wondy conveniently forgot Carlos Danger when it suited his dumb narrative...

Carlos Danger = Rep. Anthony Weiner's (D-NY)'s online pseudonym for sexting and picking up teenage girls.

Anthony Weiner coverage I think just proves my point.
That the simultaneous scandal with Herman Cain got maximum coverage by the liberal media,every 10 minutes for WEEKS,. And only with the greatest reluctance did the media give any coverage to the Weiner scandal. Despite that Herman Cain's allegedly coming on to a woman he helped (later also alleged by a 2nd woman he helped who came forward a day or two later when Herman Cain didn't immediately withdraw as a candidate, NEVER PROVEN, and conversely the women were both proven to be filing for bankruptcy, and financially motivated to make the allegations.

Herman Cain topic

Weinergate: A Weiner and his weiner topic

But AT THE EXACT SAME TIME, the media was reluctant to give coverage to the Weiner scandal, despite it being :
1) proven by Weiner's texts and multiple women publicly coming forward,
2) scorned as creepy and perverse by a pornstar who just wanted to talk politics with Weiner, and she found it creepy that he kept trying to turn the conversatiion sexual, DISGUSTING EVEN A PORN STAR!
3) Weiner was closely associated with the Clintons through wife Houma Abedin,
4) Weiner had top secret information on his laptop, clearly leaked to his and Huma's unsecured laptop that endangered national security,
5) also self-incriminating photos and texts that proved he had liasons and attempted sexual hookups with under-age girls.

ALL that, and the liberal media wasn't even interested. The media gave virtually ALL their air coverage to Herman Cain's unproven allegations.
But with the proven allegations against Weiner, they constantly said "We need to be responsible and review all the facts before we report about the Weiner story."

Media Research Center at the time counted stories, and demonstrated with hard numbers how coverage of Herman Cain's only-alleged wrongs, completely eclipsed coverage of the thoroughly PROVEN Weiner story.