Originally Posted by iggy
I trust news sources that point out the times sources I don't like were wrong and trust them far too much because of that.
Your strategy for consuming news is dumb and you should feel shame.

My strategy for watching news is to actually listen to more news that I don't agree with, but that has a liberal bias I can see right through, because I watch enough news sources that I can see which sources are lying to me.

As I've said many times, from 1981-2008, my primary news source was the PBS News Hour, until watching them, I could see they and CNN (beginning in 2008) were just ignoring and not reporting stories that Fox News was fully covering that negatively impacted Obama and Democrats (specifically, William Ayers and his connections to Barack Obama, Obama's radical ties since high school to multiple far-left radicals, Obama and marxist/Stalinist Frank Marshall Davis, Obama at ACORN teaching Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" to many classes of "community organizers" the euphemistic term for Marxist street agitators, the ACORN corruption story broken by James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, in what became Project Veritas; the Shirley Sherrod story where she as a federal Farm Bureau official boasted on video in front of an NAACP group about refusing loans to white farmers and only giving them to black farmers)

I began to perceive a liberal media bias, PRECISELY BECAUSE THERE IS a liberal bias, that became glaringly obvious in 2008, in the zealotry of print and broadcast news reporters in getting Obama elected. And that unashamed bias has only become more shamelessly clear every year since.
As pointed out in books by Bernard Goldberg, Tim Groseclose, Sharyl Attkisson, Ron Kessler, John Stossel, Lara Logan, Glenn Greenwald, John Solomon, and many others.
All highly paid award-winning former mainstream journalists, who have left their positions in disgust, because of the leftist fanatical bias and abandonment of journalistic ethics they previously worked under for decades, THAT NO LONGER EXIST at those same networks.

As well as regularly exposed by MRC.org.

Sorry those FACTS make you panic and cling to fantasies of mainstream media neutrality that you desperately WISH was true.

Originally Posted by Iggy
I only believe what I see in George Orwell's state-run liberal media.

panic I just LOVE being lied to. panic

Yes, yes, I know, Iggy. That's been quite obvious for a long time.