And in other news...


No doubt a sweetheart plea deal, akin to the attempted Hunter Biden plea deal.
Especially relative to the 22 year sentence given to the black Cuban "white supremacist" head of the Proud Boys was given a few weeks ago, who wasn't even at the Capitol to commit any crimes that day.
Nope, nothing disproportionate about that contrast between the two, no sir !

This article on the same events gives court prosecution statements and some self-congratulating FBI statements...

...but it still gives no specifics of what Tarrio or other Proud Boys actually did to warrant such a sentence.
And glosses over that the FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism Jill Sanborn who did the investigation, admitted to Senator Ted Cruz and others that NOT ONE FIREARM WAS EVER CONFISCATED ANYWHERE IN WASHINGTON SQUARE ON JAN 6th.

So... how do you have an "insurrection" and "use of force against their own government to prevent the peaceful transfer of power", when the accused didn't even have any weapons?

And meanwhile (to give just one example) the two Antifa lawyers who threw a Molotov Cocktail into a police car in May 2020 completely destroyed it , and were only unsuccessful in trying to burn 2 police officers inside to death, only got a few months of probation, and didn't even get their law degrees taken away.
Yeah, that's fair...

About 80 percent of Antifa and BLM violent insurrectionists nationwide from during the 2020 George Floyd riots were set free by DOJ and FBI with no charges, NONE

But every last one of the 1,300 trespassing grandmas and peaceful protesters taking selfies and casually walking through or even near the Capitol (only 600 went inside, only about 60 were involved in either violence or vandalism) were aggressively prosecuted with disproportionate severe sentences, forcing most of them to take unfair plea deals just to end their unlawful incarceration without trial.

This is your FBI, DOJ and Biden administration, drunk on power.