I've been meaning to post about this for a few days. The raids into Israel began early Saturday, October 7th. The rising death toll of Israelis killed , as of today, was announced to have surpassed 1,000, and still counting, most of them probably killed the first day, and it took till now to even count them.

Gaza and the West Bank were given autonomy over 15 years ago, and all along Palestinians have been continuing terrorism and missile attacks on Israel pretty much daily.

This part that preceded Oct 7 I just became aware of :

Israeli military has been conducting frequent nightly raids into Palestinian towns (October 5th)

I'm frankly surprised Israel tolerated it as long as they did.
Israel was apparently beginning to crack down on these attacks, even before the all-out Hamas attack on Israel began.

Beheading babies.
Raping women on the ground right next to the bodies of their just-murdered families.
Burning many alive, or machine gunning and stabbiing women and children while sleeping in their beds.
Shooting one Israeli woman's face over and over at least 40 times, long after dead, beyond any possible recognition.

Things I could not imagine, if not seen reported in the news.
That is some serious hatred.

And the hatred of Democrats like Rashida Tlaib, and students and faculty at universities across the U.S., seem to match the hatred and thirst for Jewish blood of those actually doing the killing. .