Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I’m guessing you’re conflating later coverage in place of the next to nonexistent coverage early on. Yahoo News hasn’t had to pay out big bucks in settlements for its coverage btw.

Good God are you ridiculous.

Fox News DID cover it the first day, and they covered Boebert's rude behavior even more, after he theatre surveillance video was released.

As compared to Paul Pelosi's drunk-driving car accident where the video was NEVER released by loyal Democrats in the San Francisco police Department, and CNN and MSNBC never even raise any question about the incident, just try to sweep it under the rug.
Likewise Paul Pelosi's gay antics with a homeless illegal immigrant male prostitute, where [Democrat partisan] police and [Democrat partisan] liberal media are very reluctant to release video or facts about he incident, or [Democrat partisan] reporters who will never ask Nancy Pelosi any questions about it. EVER.

Or Nancy and Paul Pelosi earning about $ 150 million on insider trading with confidential information she obtained as a member of House leadership. Never asked about it by the media, NEVER pressed repeatedly until she had to give an answer. Nohing.

Or how Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer obstructed the up to 20,000 National Guard troops President Trump ordered in Washington DC, well in advance, to guarantee order and no violence on January 6th 2021, during the rallies and the joint-session Congressional review of the electoral college votes inside he Capitol. And because of that obstruction, Pelosi and Schumer are the ones directly responsible for any rioting that occurred on January 6th. NEVER quesioned about this by reporers. NEVER.
I think quite deliberately, just like the orchestrated police stand-down in Democrat-owned Charottesville, Virginia in Sept 2017, obstructing the National Guard Jan 6th deployment order by Pelosi and Schumer, precisely because Democrats WANTED violence to occur on January 6th, because it fit the narrative they (Pelosi, Schumer, the Democrats) wanted o sell.
NO questions by the media of Pelosi,.
NO exposure of these orchestrated failures.
No exposure even by the January 6th committee, and certainly not the Democrat-lapdog media noting that lack of desposition testimony even requested of Pelosi or Schumer..

But liberal media reaction to Rep. Lauren Boebert taking a date to a play, and vaping and making some disruptive noise, and maybe Boebert and her date fondling each other in the darkened auditorium, where only an infra-red security camera could see what they were doing...
OH !!! OOHHHHH !!!!!!!!!
That's SO much worse than the actual corruption and crimes and trillions in theft and wasteful spending by Democrats that endangers the country ! rolleyes

I know crimes and corruption by Democrats are invisible to you, and you just reflexively excuse it, no mater how much evidence there is. And all you can do is instead express infinite outrage at Republicans for far lesser offenses, or often completely made up offenses, in a [ corrupt Democrat-owned ] politically weaponized federal and state justice system.
I wish you were even capable of opening your eyes and waking the fuck up.
Facts in evidence, ABUNDANTLY, that you absolutely refuse to look at.