
And by the way, just today...

FBI and its Foreign Influence Task Force purged and discredited 40 informants who exposed Biden corruption

But hey, there is no Democrat corruption or deep state, right M E M?
But if Biden were a Republican, he's be on trial for, oh, I don't know... 750 years in prison?

The FBI and DOJ are currently devoting 60% of their resources to "right wing white supremacist terrorists" that don't exist, when they should be investigating ACTUAL threats from islamic terrorists, criminal illegal immigrants, and... Joe Biden and other reported Democrats selling us out to enemy nations for tens of millions, money laundering, wire fraud, and tax evasion.

We are rapidly reaching the poin of another 9-11 attack on the U.S., precisely because Democrat agents are so busy weaponizing FBI, DOJ, NSA, CIA and other federal agencies, the threats they exist to protect us from will be able to kill a lot of people. Bu because they are Democrat-Bolsheviks who hate America, I guess the James Comeys, the Andrew McCabes, the Peter Strzoks, the Bruce Ohrs, the John Brennans, the James Clappers, the Lloyd Austins, the Mark Milleys, think we deserve to die anyway because, y'know.... equity, white privelege, 200 years of minority oppression and all that crap.

The people who hate America, ARE RUNNING America. We are in great danger.
And you're on the side of he people who want to destroy us.