Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Oh bullshit WB. I watched Jan 6 and how Trump responded to events. The Jan 6 committee showed it was even uglier. I would have never voted for someone as conservative as Liz Cheney or Pence but they put country before loyalty to Trump. And there is the federal case now. And I don’t see Trumpers seeing it as a chance to bring into court all this proof that you repeat in rants. Nope, the hope is trying to get it dismissed.

God, are you delusional.
Believe what you want, a liberal blog version of January 6th events, polar opposite the truth.
The January 6th committee was a clear one-sided cartoon of actual investigation, pure propaganda, Soviet-like in its proceedings, no cross examination of witnesses or evidence.

Liz Cheney and Mike Pence have self-serving political narratives, that have absolutely nothing to do with pursuit of Constitutional rule of law or the truth. Which is why Liz Cheney was ejected overwhelmingly from her House seat by Wyoming voters.

And Pence is pretty much dead last in the presidential primaries, because he is not trusted. Pence had a chance to do what was right on Jan 6th, to delay approving the electors, and ask each state to verify he legitimacy of the election results before finalizing the election count.

Even if you believe Biden won, the right hing to do was verify the results as legitimate for the half of the country who DIDN'T believe the election results., before finalizing the election. But instead, Pence betrayed the nation and did not send electors back to their states to review a CLEARLY rigged 2020 election in each of their states. Pence pounded the gavel to rubber-stamp a clearly rigged election, and in doing so he abdicated his responsibility and handed over the country to Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks and all the damage done since Jan 2021, meaning he has disqualified himself forever from higher office.
The best scenario with Pence is that he is a naive dupe of the deep state who was misled.
The worst scenario is that he sold out his party, and the nation, to have a seat at the table of power, acquired by any Bolshevik means. Pence was likewise a dupe of advisors pushing him to have Michael Flynn fired as national security advisor in Jan 2017. He was misled, and he misled President Trump to fire Flynn. If Trump had it to do again, I'm sure he would not have fired Flynn. Flynn was set up in a perjury rap sprung by Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok. They tried to do the same to K.T. McFarland (Flynn's deputy national security adviso) bu she had a better lawyer, who saw he frame for what i was. Whereas Flynn had law firm Perkins-Coie, the same ultra-Democrat dirty trickster law firm that orchestrated Hillary Clinton's "Russia Dossier", and against Flynn's best interests, tricked him into accepting a plea deal for a crime he did not commit.