Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Yep, he just created some fiction there and stated it as fact.

Specifically what?

It's an absolute fact that Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger tried to exploit and capitalize on attacking Trump, along the lines of RINO John McCain's "maverick" self-branding .

It's an absolute fact that Mike Pence is similarly at the bottom in Republican primary support for the same reason. People don't believe him, they don't Trust him. Like myself, they see Pence, as a deep state agent, misled about his intentions leading up to the Jan 6th electoral vote count, for reasons not clearly explained by him dropping the ball on Jan 6 2021, and essentially throwing his conservative voter base to the Democrat-Bolshevik wolves. And as I laid out in a topic titled Biden's reign of terror began the moment Trump conceded the election, the Bolshevik Left shut down Trump's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram within hours of when he conceded that day, and then immediately began a purge of Republican conservatives from Pentagon military officer corps, from military contractors, and other government jobs, and then they did the same in other government agencies.

Then they did a second layer of purge by weaponizing mandatory Covid-vaccinations, to further remove anyone exhibiting conservative tendencies or independent thought. So they could replace them with cultural marxist lunatics, Iranian spies, and woke transgender virtue-sgnalling incompetents.

And the damage they have done in less than 3 years to the country is OBVIOUS, to anyone who isn't an indoctrinated leftist.