I just went through the CNN timeline, and it is loaded with partisan assumptive language, and selectively omits the exculpatory facts I just outlined.

Further, M E M, you lyingly imply that the 5 who died that day were either killed by Trump supporters, or that Trump supporters were somehow responsible for their deaths.

Ashlee Babbitt, who was unarmed and no threat to anyone, was shot and killed by DC Metro Leiutenant Byrd, for no reason.

Officer Brian Swicknick died NOT on the scene, but cvollaapsed about 6 hours later while laughing and joking with other police officers back at the police station, and was rushed to the hospital. He died about a day later, and his autopsy showed his cause of death to be a stroke, with no concussion, no bear spray, no pepper spray in his system (the prevailing lying Democrat media narratives of his death).

Even Wikipedia acknowledges this much :

Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed 35-year-old Air Force veteran, was fatally shot in the upper chest by Lt. Michael Leroy Byrd while attempting to climb through the shattered window of a barricaded door.[472]

Brian Sicknick, a 42-year-old responding Capitol Police officer, was pepper-sprayed during the attack and had two thromboembolic strokes the next day,[473][474] after which he was placed on life support[8] and soon died.[475][476] The D.C. chief medical examiner found he died from a stroke, classifying his death as natural,[477] and commenting that "all that transpired played a role in his condition".[478][479]

Rosanne Boyland, 34, died of an amphetamine overdose during the attack rather than, as was initially reported, from being trampled by other rioters after her collapse,[480] ruled accidental by the D.C. medical examiner's office.[24]
Her mother, Cheryl Boyland, told NBC News, "She was not doing drugs. The only thing they found was her own prescription medicine."[481]

Kevin Greeson, 55; and Benjamin Philips, 50, died naturally from coronary heart disease and hypertensive heart disease, respectively.[24]

The last two had previous medical treatment for the conditions they died from.
But I've seen interviews of muliple people in the crowd alongside the latter three, who were OUTSIDE the Capitol the whole time, who said they were just standing there protesting peacefully when Capitol police fired concussion grenades at them for no reason, and fired them over and over multiple times at them.
And state that repeated trauma could have killed them in their already fragile condition, that is not discussed in liberal media and swept under the rug as "natural causes".

Further investigation is pushed for, and resisted by Capitol and Metro police, and by Democrat officials.
It was not an "insurrection", it was not a "storming", it was not even in this edited Wikipedia version, an "attack", it was a riot by a small group of people, there were no seizures of buildings or offices or radio stations or military or police facilities. It was just a riot. Jill Sanborn grudgingly admitted in Senate hearings testimony that there was NOT ONE FIREARM seized that day in all of Washington square by law enforcement or FBI. How do you have an "insurrection" or "storming" or "attack" without any guns?
The narrative that House or Senate members or VP Pence's lives were at risk is total B.S., there were inadequate police present in the Capitol that day, if rioters (Trump supporters, or false flag undercover FBI) wanted to kill anyone or take hostages, there was no one to stop protesters from doing so. It is another lie.

And there are many other ACTUAL more violent and more prolonged attacks on the Capitol in the last 100 years, with guns, than this exaggerated false flag Democrat burning-of the-Reichstag moment. Greg Kelly on his Newsmax program frequently runs through the historical list.