Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Nope, previous elections had recounts but there wasn’t the attempt to throw out entire vote totals from states so that republican controlled legislatures could then choose electors to keep your loser in power.

As I said previously, no one on the Republican side was trying to throw out votes corruptly, ONLY trying to verify the suspicious Biden victory was not due to election corruption. And any Republican trying to CONSTITUTIONALLY verify the election ballots was intimidated and propagandized against.
No re-count was permitted, and tampered voting machines, election officials who couldn't independently verify results and just had to take Dominion's word on the counting, fake water main brakes, sending Republican vote observers home while Democrat election workers counted and rigged votes all night, missing flash drives and shredded ballots (that were constitutionally SUPPOSED to have been kept on file for 22 months for such a legal re-count) are AN ABSOLUTE FACT.

Selecting alternate Republican elector persons iin the event a blue state turns out to be a red state, is also constitutional and not "throwing out" votes corruptly or trying to. It is exactly what JFK did in selecting Hawaii alternate electors in the 1960 election.
Trump's team in the 2000 election --CONSTITUTIONALLY AND LEGALLY--- made the same preparations for a potential win if the state on re-count turned his way.

It is an absolute fact that Trump was winning in all 6 battleground states, most by hundreds of thousands of votes, up until 3AM on election night, from which point Republican vote counters in multiple states were sent home, allowing corrupt Democrats to run wild with fake vote counting, and by the oddest coincidence, ONLY THEN did votes counted from that point make a dramatic turn in favor of Biden.