Originally Posted by iggy
Me: yeah, "liberal media" doesn't always get it right

You: gatewaypundit, dailysignal, and thenewamerican are never wrong.

Sharyl Attkisson, "Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election", lecure at Hillsdale College. (55 min).

Gateway Pundit, Daily Signal, and the New American, as conservaive sources, do not have the same fanatical Marxist-Bolshevik zeal to propagandize for one side, and feel a holy mission to prop up the Democrat-Left, the way the New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, CNN, MSNBC, ABC , CBS and the NYU and Columbia schools of Journalism do.

Which as I've said repeatedly, is why ethical journalists like Ron Kessler(reporter for Washington Post for 20 years), Sharyl Attkisson (investigative reporter for CNN and CBS for 30 years), Glenn Greenwald (Pulitzer winning journalist), Bernard Goldberg (30-year veteran of CBS news), John Stossel (30 years with ABC, and then Fox News), John Solomon (Award winning journalist, and Lara Logan (25-year award-winning former reporter for CNN), to name a few, ALL left these liberal papers and networks, because as Attkisson cites, these former liberal networks no longer report in a journalistically ethical way.
Kessler has many times said that, for example, in the in the White House press room, if any reporters in a previous era went after any other president the way Jim Acosta routinely did with Donald Trump or press secretaries Sarah Huckabee Sanders or Kaylee McEnany, that even legendary liberal W P editor Ben Bradlee would have fired him on the spot. Because even though virtually all these reporters and all their editors were liberals, they still followed (in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s) objective and ethical journalism standards for reporting and sources.

But that is no longer true of even the most exalted and prominent mainstream liberal media sources. These networks now believe their only ethic is to prop up the Democrats, and to omit or negatively spin any story that would give advantage to the Republicans.
That to report with ethical journalism standards, the above named reporters had to leave these networks so they could continue to actually report the news and not be reduced to propagandists, often leaving high 7-figure salaries to do so. Because all these media sources have become propaganda sources, whose only ethic is to prop up the Democrat/Left.

As Sharyl Attkisson in the above video cited 55 minutes of sourced examples of. How liberal reporters now openly believe it is their mission to prop up and cover for the Democrats, that they are taught this in journalism school ! That they don't just make errors, but now DELIBERATELY get the story wrong, to prop up a false narrative, to aid the Democrats. In multiple forums (Journo-List, and other social media groups) they plot ways to smear and destroy Sarah Palin or John McCain or Mitt Romney or Donald Trump, or in 2016 and 2020 to leverage aside Bernie Sanders within the Democrat primaries, to smooth the way for Hillary or Biden. They gave Hillary Clinton's campaign the option to spike stories before they were published, if the Hillary campaign though they'd be too damaging. All this is FACT, reported even in the mainstream news.

I would compare Fox News or other conservative sources to the mainstream networks in the 1970s to 1990's period, where they may have been conservatives or liberals, but still foremost maintained journalism standards.
And the conservative sources now still work by those ethics, and are NOT pure propagandists like their brethren who work for the liberal mainstream media networks. Who have been busted cooking the books, getting the story wrong, DELIBERATELY getting the story wrong, over and over.