Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I was referring to Joseph McCarthy to be clear. (Minus the Jim’s blind eye for sexual abuse)

That was, I think quite obviously, a joke on my part, playing on that Joseph McCarthy and Kevin McCarthy share the same last name.

And I think it's hilarious that you try to label the Republicans as "McCarthyism", based on how it is clearly YOUR Democrat-Bolshevik side that is clearly (since 2009) weaponizing government agencies such as IRS, FBI, DOJ, CIA, ATF and other agencies against not only Republicans, but also against their grassroots supporters, weaponized as well as liberals like Bernie Sanders, Matt Taibbi, Tulsi Gabbard, and anyone else that dissents from the dominant Democrat-Bolshevik narrative.

And it is the Democrat/Left and the inseparable liberal media who in McCarthist "fear porn" daily. I've lost rack of how often CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and other liberal networks have made completeely off-base hyperbolic comparisons of Donald Trump to the rise of Hitler. But it's pretty much hourly on every liberal network and show. Most recently, he last I personally watched was Michael Beschloss on ABC's "This Week" Sunday program.

Oh and by the way....

DHS officials created a 'disinformation group' at Stanford University to help censor Americans' speech on social media ahead of the 2020 election, bombshell emails reveal

...THAT is Orwellian "fear porn" that would make Big Brother envious of the level of message control.

Democrats are the masters of generating fear and authoritarian control.
Which is only natural, since Democrat leaders since he Bill Clinton administration unashamedly worship people like Saul Alinsky, Stalin, Lenin, Castro, Che Gueverra, the Sandinistas, Hugo Chaves, and now Iran and Hamas. Multiple Democrats in public statements over the last 15 years have openly praised ALL these openly marxist and genocidal leaders.