Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Pretty sure it was all there on Jan 6 when he tried stealing the election. Trump is unfit for office so if you don’t want more hatred and division than dump Trump.

Yeah, yeah.... that's the lying narraive you keep trying to sell.

And yet...
Even George Orwell's 97% Democrat FBI found NO EVIDENCE, NONE, that Trump incited the riots on January 6th.
No one was charged with insurrection, TRUMP was not charged wih insurrection.
It's just another lying Democrat narrative, and aside from a few partisan zealots like you and Iggy, no one is buying that narrative.

Quite the opposite, all the most violent offenders were not arrested or convicted, indicating that the ACTUAL instigators of January 6th Capitol violence were actually FBI, DHS, DC MEtro police, or Antifa agents (FBI's own agents, and agents provocateur), so FBI just let took down their photos from the FBI website, and never arrested them.
Their arrest would be inconvenient to the narrative.
Because the purpose of this Jan 6 false-flag FBI operation was TO FRAME Trump and his supporters. But exposed as tyrannical weaponization of the FBI, the January 6th Democrat narrative has instead only galvanized Trump's support, even among independent voters, among black voters, hispanic voters, and a large chunk of the entire Democrat base, who now say they will vote for Trump.
Because the auhoritarian Democrat-Bolshevik party has revealed its true, ugly auhoritarian Cultural Marxist face.