Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Be assured the outrage isn’t manufactured WB, nor the disgust. This was an event that occurred with the world watching. You can lie about Trump asking his special people to leave after an hour after violence broke out and they were filling the Capitol but I watched as these events unfolded. Any timeline shows it was over 2 hours. He knew his supporters were in the Capitol when he tweeted asking them to remain peaceful instead of asking them to leave. Quite a difference in tone when protesters are doing what he wants! Over a half hour later Babbit gets shot. Biden addresses the nation after 4pm… "I call on President Trump to go on national television now, to fulfill his oath and defend the Constitution and demand an end to this siege. This is not a protest — it is an insurrection,"

The corrupt fat piece of shit now having utterly failed in his attempt to stay in power finally asks his people to leave at 4:17pm.

That's because... you're brainwashed on a steady diet of CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post and New York Time.
All are essentially partisan liberal blogs, that are staying afloat on the last fumes of their former reputations, that they have completely ruined.

Sharyl Attkisson, 55 minutes of cited examples of 2020 election media bias

Across the board, the entire mainstream liberal media.
PROUDLY lying, without shame !
They think it is their HOLY MISSION to lie, to slander and marginalize Trump.