Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
So in response to a video showing he was asked to leave after you repeatedly have asserted that he was never asked to leave you proclaim I know it’s garbage. Your false assertions certainly are as your shaman was clearly asked to leave in video. He participated in an attempt to stop the constitutional transfer of power. That isn’t a small thing WB nor do I believe for a minute you would feel the same way if he had been a liberal protester. It was of course something you wanted to happen. Your pretense that you support the constitution and the rule of law is truly what you’re revealing to be garbage.

ohyeah pwn3d noice

Just reposting to show that you’re the one peddling a false narrative WB.

It is a fact that the Capitol officer did NOT command Jacob Chansley or anyone else to leave. Very passively he said "any chance I could persuade you to leave?" That is NOT a command.
The Capitol officer did not say "Leave now."
The officer did NOT say "I'm going to arrest you for trespassing"
The officer DID NOT say these things.

And it is a FACT that Chansley is videotaped walking casually around inside the Capitol, accompanied by at least 9 different officers. NONE of whom told him to leave, NONE of them tried to restrain Chansley or the other trespassers. Quite the contrary, the Capitol officers just stood there as protesters casually walked in, and even talked with hem and took selfie photos with them.
So what you say is clearly a lie.

It is a FACT that when Tucker Carlson played the security video on his show in April 2023, revealing he evidence to millions of people, FBI was forced to abandon their narrative about him, and quitetly release him from jail. FACT.

How many billion times have I said this?
There were about 6,000 protesters peacefully protesting outside the Capitol.
Of those, about 600 went inside the Capitol, most of them invited in by the officers on duty, who even ( ON VIDEO) held the double doors wide open for protesters to enter.
Of that 600, only about 60 in any way committed any vandalism or violence. And as I said, that is PROVEN by the 40,000 hours of surveillance video.

And very mysteriously, the worst offenders briefly put up on FBI's website for identification, before FBI took down their photos, never identified them, never arrested them, never imprisoned these false-flag agents. (Ray Epps, for example.) Because clearly, they were FBI undercover agents, [i]disguised as[i] Trump supporter, false-flag agents WHO WERE SENT THERE TO FRAME Trump supporters. And Antifa, doing the same thing.
So instead of arresting the ACTUAL violent protesters and vandals, FBI for pure propaganda narrative purposes, is incarcerating the real estate agents and grandmas who only trespassed inside the Capitol.
Even if Chansley was "guilty" of some crime, as you hysterically project a narrative for, all he did ( beyond any dispute, verified ON SURVEILLANCE VIDEO ) is walk around inside the Capitol. So his only crime, at most, is trespassing.
The innocent people your side maliciously propagandized for 3 years as cry cry "INSURRECTIONISTS" cry cry

You can't have an "insurrection" without guns.
But by the FBI's own admission ( AGAIN: Jill Sanborn, FBI's assistant director of counter-terrorism, who led the FBI investigation of the January 6th riots, in her Senate testimony) said there was NOT ONE firearm confiscated anywhere in Washington Square that day.
There goes your total B.S. narrative.
No military/insurrection seizure of government buildings, police stations, infrastructure, communications centers, none of that. Even the FBI admitted there was "no organized insurrection."
The Democrat narrative is A LIE. Pure and simple.
It is A LIE.

FBI held honest working people and business owners and grandmas in federal prison, without even decent drinking water, prison guards forced INNOCENT people to drink moldy water out of toilets for 3 years and counting, just to humiliate them, that denied them due process, denied them access to attorneys, many kept in solitary confinement for months, beaten by guards in their cells, unable to even have their wives and children visit. All done just so FBI could extort confessions and plea deals for crimes they DID NOT commit, which they did just to end their ordeal. Innocent first amendment PEACEFUL protesters, who have lost their jobs and businesses and had their homes foreclosed for no good reason, without even a trial to determine whether they were actually guilty of a crime.

FBI let all the ACTUAL vandals and violent offenders go, most of them never even arrested. Because they were the FBI's own storm trooper. Or Antifa. John Earle Sullivan and his 20 or so Antifa group members, were in the House office room when Ashli Babbitt was shot, and THEY ORCHESTRATED the situation so they could videotape it, FROM TWO ANGLES, BY TWO DIFFERENT PERSONS there to videotape it.
And yet... John Earle Sullivan was not forced to remain incarcerated for months and years, and have HIS home foreclosed, or lose HIS job. And he is free to spread his propaganda hate every day for the last 3 years on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the rest.
Even as President Trump in that same 3 years, was instantly banned from these platforms, the moment he conceded the election on January 6 2021.

Who is the terrorist, who orchestrated the actual death of Ashli Babbitt ?
And conversely, who just told his supporters to exert their first amendment right to "PEACEFULLY and patriotically" assemble and petition their government, to protest outside the Capitol, in support of Republican Senate and House members, who inside were LEGALLY AND CONSTITUTIONALLY challenging the electoral votes of a rigged 2020 presidential election ?