Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
There’s federal law that just didn’t come into play that allows for the department of justice to make appointments. And yes just like when Trump lost the election he looked for a loophole to stay in power. I think the nation deserves to see all this “evidence “ in a court of law. It’s pretty clear the real game plan is to avoid that at all costs by Trump and supporters. Just like counting votes was a problem once Trump knew he couldn’t win that way. You can get pretend righteous all you want WB. You love a political party not a country.

Trump didn't "look for a loophole" regarding the rigged 2020 election of Biden, he FOLLOWED THE CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL PROCESS TO LEGALLY DISPUTE the 2020 election.
No military coup, no assassinations, no seizure of government buildings, NO GUNS, nohing illegal.

NAME something Trump did in 2020 that was illegal.
You can't.
You just lyingly say "Trump tried to steal he election", or "Trump is a threat to democracy", with absolutely nothing to back it up.
Democrat narrative, with no basis in fact.

Trump did not start an "insurrection" on Jan 6th,the polar opposite, Trump issued an executive order for 20,000 troops TO PREVENT any rioting or violence on Jan 6th.
An order that DC mayor Bowser, speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Sen. Chuck Schumer deliberately scuttled to enable rioting, **NOT** Trump.
Neither Trump or anyone else was arrested, tried or convicted for insurrection. That is just pure Democrat narrative, with nothing to back it up.

Likewise, any presidential cabinet appointment allows a president to select a person, but then that nominee is subject to Senate approval.
As Meese argues in his legal brief.

And it is the Democrats who since at least FDR and Truman are the party that is pro-Stalin, pro-communist, pro-socialist, that has allowed Russian / communist spies to infiltrate our government and steal national secrets, including atomic weapons.
It is THE DEMOCRATS (the Clintons, the Obamas, and their entire administrations, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, A O-C and the "Squad", on and on, pretty much every Democrat Senate and House member, pretty much every Clinton, Obama and Biden white house staffer) who worship Marxist dictators, Stalin, Castro, the Communist Chinese, Mao, Castro, Che Gueverra, Hugo Chaves, on down. Many Democrat OPENLY SAY they would like to have the absolute control the Chinese communist system enjoys. And they are well on their way.




It is DEMOCRATS who are contemptuous of the United States, see us as a racist country that built its wealth by exploiting other nations and people of color.
It is the DEMOCRATS who undermine U.S. national security at every turn, and are apologetic and ashamed of what the rest of us know to be an exceptional nation, and Democrats like Obama who openly show conttemptt for the fact we are an exceptional nation. Immigrants, both legal and illegal, come here because they know opportunities exist here like nowhere else in he world, whether you are white, black, hispanic, asian, or whatever.
It is DEMOCRATS who are unbelieving in and contemptuous of our country, its history, and its heroes, who they label as racist, and try to tear down their statues and rewrite its history in a way that favorss Marxist overthrow of the country.
It is THE DEMOCRATS who side with and fund Antifa and Black Lives Matter (both Marxist groups dedicated to he Marxist overthrow and collapse of the United States. The DEMOCRATS who side with and are funded by George Soros and other globalists also working to de-stabilize and overthrow the United States, the Openb Borders movement, and whatever else weaakens the United States.

And you love the Democrat-Bolshevik party rather than the United States.

I don't "pretend righteous", I know this is a great country, that your vicious Democrat-Bolshevik party is trying to undermine and destroy. They've done a damn good job of crippling it in less than three years.

And with the January 6th arrests and attempts to prosecute Trump, and prevent him from being on the ballot in Colorado, Maine and other states, it is YOUR PARTY, THE DEMOCRATS who are shredding the Constitution, intimidating peaceful protesters from exerting their right to petition their government, holding Jan 6 protesters prisoners for years under terrible conditions, without legal representation, without trial, without ever being convicted.

And YOU, the Marxist-Bolshevik, have the audacity to allege that I'm the one who puts party over country. You, the Democrat-Bolshevik, who cheers on his party as it shreds the Constitution and all our protected rights.

Oh, the irony.