
Some Republicans condemned Trump in January 2021 because they were :

1) misinformed, or for a time duped by media coverage

and / or

2) RINO Republicans, deceitfully trying (Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Kevin McCarthy, Nikki Haley) to capitalize on the fact that Trump had (at least temporarily appeared to) lose power over the Republican party and millions of grassroots Republican voters. And these RINOs intended to make their influence in the Republican party rise, by kicking Trump further down. But that clearly backfired.

Some elected Republicans who initially condemned Trump have come to their senses, many others have been thoroughly rejected by Republican voters, and been voted out of office.

And we've all seen the evidence emerge over the last 3 years that the 2020 election was rigged in multiple ways, and just how destructive to the nation the Democrat-Bolsheviks are.
And Republican voters are enraged just as much by the RINO Republicans who enable the Democrats' controlled demolition of the United States, as they are by the Democrat-Bolsheviks.

George Orwell wrote his 1984 novel as a warning.
Democrats have instead used it as an instruction manual, to bring one-pary authoritarian Marxism and media message control to the United States. And I've cited the evidence of the Democrats' open plans IN THEIR OWN SELF-INCRIMINATING WORDS here in many posts, across many topics.
It is beyond any possible denial on your part. What your party openly plans, is how marxist revolutions have overthrown other countries worldwide. And former citizens of Eastern Europe, China, Venezuela, North Korea and Cuba are terrified to see what they fled from, to now be orchestrated by Democrats here in the U.S.