Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Yup lots of irony with your pretense. You watched Jan 6 happen. I saw how you responded. No horror over Trump supporters beating on the Capitol police. Your sympathy is for those that were doing the beating and the ones cheering them on. No disappointment or questioning why Trump didn’t ask his people to leave until after one of them got shot. It’s okay with you that he spent that time trying to delay the process while his people mobbed law enforcement . You have no desire or expectation of Trump to bring all his lies into court and have them proven. You’ve proven that if counting the votes doesn’t keep your loser in power it’s okay to have republicans throw out their state’s election results and pick your guy. I can go on but the end result is you support Trump no matter what principle gets in the way.

Because from the beginning, I saw the video footage of Jan 6th, I heard what the "Trump supporters" were saying and doing (revealed to be false-flag agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters) who did not speak or behave as Trump supporters have at any previous event, before or since. As I said immediately after, their behavior and tactics were more in the pattern of BLM protesters, at many other previous BLM riot attacks in cities nationwide.

And as I sourced and linked in many above posts, I was proven right :

20 FBI agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.
20 DHS agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.
10 undercover DC Metro police officers, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.
A least 20 Antifa, led by John Earle Sullivan, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.

Out of about 600 Trump supporters who entered the Capitol that day (most of them invited in, BY POLICE), only about 60 either broke windows, committed vandalism or clashed with police.
And I would lay money that virtually all of that 60 are false-flag federal agents or Antifa, FRAMING Trump supporters for what these false-flag agents themselves actually did.

And many of those who led ACTUAL Trump supporters to the Capitol and pushed them to go inside or riot (Ray Epps, and many others unidentified, despite FBI having photos of them, because CLEARLY they are federal agents), somehow escaped identification and arrest by FBI.
Even as over 1200 ACTUAL Trump supporters have been arrested and jailed indefinitely in terrible conditions, for what? TRESPASSING? The federal agents and Anifa who commited the violence and vandalism TO FRAME Trump supporters are free, mos of them never even identified and arrested.
And Merrick Garland wans to arrest another 1,000 who were ouside and near he Capitol building in 2024, over 3 years later. FOR WHAT ?!? For pure political propaganda reasons **NOT** for any actual crimes.

750 of these ACTUAL Trump supporter trespassers have signed plea deals that include exaggerated charges like "obstructing a federal proceeding" under duress, **NOT** because they committed an actual crime, just to end their imprisonment, just so they can return to their families and jobs, and avoid foreclosure of their homes.
Again, look for the 2 Newsmax documentaries Day of Outrage, and "Shame of a Nation" to see who these people are, how they have been set up for purely political propaganda reasons, framed and mistreated, intimidated and forced to sign false confessions, and otherwise deliberately been destroyed for no reason, by Merrick Garland's SS in the DOJ and FBI.
These are literally the tacics of Hitler and the SS (and Stalin, and Mao) to terrorize and intimidate your political opposittion into shutting down and surrendering.
There are many ner-identical similarities to the Democrat January 6h narrative, and the Nazis' 1933 burning of the Reichstag.

Even the violence of Oath Keepers and other non-Trump conservative groups, have proven to be false-flag events planned by undercover FBI agents. The head of Oath Keepers shared a hotel room unknowingly with an undercover FBI agent, an agent brought the battle plan for violence on Jan 6h, that Oath Keepers DID NOT follow. It was a set-up, a trap. One of many federal traps that day.

It resembles the fake FBI frame job regarding the alleged Gov. Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping in Michigan, where 12 of the 15 people involved were FBI agents !!!!
Including the person who provided the plan for the kidnapping, and another undercover agent provided a van for the job. A complete fake event.
And the FBI supervisor from THAT fiasco, instead of being demoted or fired by FBI as he should have been, is the one FBI sent to supervise FBI surveillance and operations on Jan 6th.
An entire agency of James Comeys, Andrew McCabes, and Peter Strzoks.

Over and over, I have posted videos of false-flag "Trump supporters" smashing windows, where ACTUAL Trump supporters stopped them and pulled them away from the windows.

And as I cited (and as Newsmax haas extensively covered) the four Democrat poster-boy Capitol police officers who testified in Jan 6th hearings (I posted the full 3-hours of video above ) were clearly Democrat partisans long before Jan 6th, as self-incriminated by their own social media posts.
Michael Fanone talked about the Republican party "needs to be cut out like a cancer".
Harry Dunn posted rabid anti-Trump venom, and photos of himself at BLM protests, wearing BLM clothing.
And these Democrat partisans laughably read scripts written for them in Jan 6th Committee hearings, that were CLEARLY written for them, in vocabulary words CLEARLY not their own, THAT THEY REPEATEDLY IN THEIR SCRIPTED TESTIMONY COULD NOT EVEN READ AND PRONOUNCE !

And by the way, NONE of these officers who play for outrage and sympathy showed ANY visible injuries on January 6th or the days after. They each took a day or two off, but as many ACTUAL police officers have cited in interviews, who have ACTUALLY been injured in similar riot control, if you have a concussion or other significant injury, you're not back on duty in a day or two, you're out of work for at least 10 days or 2 weeks.
I had a slip--and-fall injury to my head about 2 years ago, that I was initially not alarmed about, but may have been a minor concussion, and I felt swelling in my head that made me nervous for about 3 weeks. I was just about to see a doctor when it finally went away. The point being, mine was a minor injury relative to what these 4 officers alleged on Jan 6th, and they were not feeling it so badly that they missed more than a day or two, the bare minimum to allege injury, for purely political reasons. Staged martyrs for the "insurrection".

And we've been over and over AND OVER the timeline of January 6th,.
Trump acted in a timely manner, encouraged "peaceful and patriotic" protest throughout the day, both in his 12 noon speech, and in social media posts every 20 or 30 minutes throughout the afternoon. There was confusion and unconfirmed reports for a few hours regardiing the Capitol protests. When it was confirmed, that a handful of rioters breached the Capitol , Trump took about 90 minutes to compose, videotape and post a message urging his ACTUAL supporters to end their protest at the Capitol and go home, and even Capitol police who manage protest crowds there every day, were surprised how quickly the crowd left at Trump's instruction.

And AGAIN: As contrasted with 600 ciies burned and looted by BLM and Anifa insurrectionists throughout 2020, whole blocks burned to the ground in each of these 600 cities, over 2,000 police injured nationwide, 40 people murdered by BLM rioters, including a black former police captain, about 3 billion dollars in estimated damage, entire stores and businesses and jobs permanently destroyed forever, the White House lawn and perimeter fence turned into a war zone and destroyed in what could only be described as a military seige by BLM, 50 Secret Service agents injured here, a historic church across the street burned, thousands of businesses and jobs gone forever, and in your naive Minneapolis, 5 SQUARE MILES of businesses burned to the ground. Most of hat will never come back, some of it will have to be rebuilt. Police stations burned. Federal buildings burned. All by BLM and Antifa.

In contrast, at.... panic THE JANUARY 6th INSURRECTION ON THE CAPITOL panic ... there were... a few windows broken, no permanent destruction or loss of property, and about 3 hours later, the House / Senate join session came back in he exact same room and finalized the 2020 electoral vote count.

But guess which 600 cities of war-zone level destruction you ignore and have no problem with ?
And guess which Jan 6th minor event your side lyingly hyper-exaggerates, and portrays as if it were worse than the U.S. Civil War, worse than the bombing of Pearl Harbor, worse than the 9/11 atacks that killed abut 3,000 people ? How much do you hate this country, M E M, that you would front this narrative garbage? Defending BLM and Antifa (and the Democrat Bolsheviks who use them as their brownshirt storm troopers, to intimidate and ruin lives of their political opposition), ignoring ACTUAL violence by the Left, while falsely demonizing Trump supporters who did nothing more than stand around at a rally and wave a Trump flag.

Trump has absolutely nothing to be held responsible for.

It is actually FBI, DHS, and DC Metro/Capitol police who should be held accountable, who killed Ashli Babbitt.
And also unprovoked fired concussion grenades into PEACEFUL crowds of Trump supporters just standing around with flags OUTSIDE the Capitol building, police (who are probably Democrat partisans) pointlessly creating chaos amid peaceful demonstators by firing concussion grenades and tear gas into people just standing there.
And the repeated trauma is what likely caused Roseanne Boyland (age 34), Kevin Greeson (age 55), and Benjamin Philips (age 50) to unnecessarily die from previously diagnosed health conditions. That's FOUR PEOPLE who died because of Capitol police excessive force.
And of course officer Brian Sicknick, who died of a stroke, according to the coroner's report and to Sicknick's own brother. Falsely portrayed as being killed by Trump supporters, in muliple dissproven narratives, first with a fire extinguisher (disproven) , then with bear spray (also disproven), but he report says natural causes and no chemicals found, and yet Democrat-Bolsheviks still front ttha lying narrative, despite that it has been disproven. While overlooking the CLEAR murder by Lt. Michael Byrd of an unarmed Ashli Babbitt, and no investigation of he concussion grenades that arguably led to the deaths of 3 oher rump supporters, who the officers were who fired them, and why.

It is also Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Muriel Bowser and the Democrat machine who are ACTUALLY responsible, who obstructed then-president Trump's executive order for up to 20,000 National Guard, that should have been deployed in Washington Square on Jan 6th, and prevented ANY possible chaos or violence on Jan 6th.
It is these Democrats who are DIRECTLY responsible for what happened that day NOT Donald Trump. You always conveniently omit that part.