Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Noting you’re just rejecting facts you don’t like. These are stats that if Trump likes he touts and if he doesn’t like them then it’s deemed fake news. And while the polls are disappointing those of course become fake if Trump doesn’t like them. If you had something actually disproving them you would have be posting it. Instead we get the same partisan garbage over and over again.


I'm citing sources, for YEARS now, that say Factcheck, Snopes, Politifact and similar sites, are PROVEN to be biased, leftist owned propaganda tools.

The numbers I cite as the best economic numbers nationally, for blacks, for hispanics, for women, for people under 25, are consistent monthly and annually for over 50 years, since at least 1972.

Those are not just numbers "Trump likes to tout", those are CONSISTENT numbers gathered the same way under at least 10 presidents.
Much as you'd like to spin it otherwise.