Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You tried pushing the same false narratives over the last couple of years. There’s no penalty for Trump lying. No expectation of bringing what you call evidence into court. Most of its accusations that are propped up and repeated on conservative media. Cleaning out those republicans that wouldn’t go along with the charade. This is all coming from Trump and supporters (one party) that rejects any media that doesn’t support your leader. You’re the 1984 party rallying around the authoritarian figure.

Not one piece of what you call evidence has Trump tried bringing into court because

God, you're ridiculous.

Democrats are clearly authoritarian Marxists who want to crush and silence all political dissent, even wihin their own party.

DEMOCRATS, not Republicans, want to abolish the electoral college after 200 years (to insure their political victory, and screw what the Constitution says about it).

DEMOCRATS want to turn Washington DC and Puerto Rico into states with 2 more guaranteed Democrat senators each (again, Democrats say "screw the Constitution").

Democrats want to expand the U S Supreme Court to 14 justices and stack it with Democrat-rubber-stamp zealot appointees like Kitanje Brown-Jackson, something Democrats 80 years ago wouldn't even let FDR do when he tried it (again, Democrats: "Screw he Constiturion").

Democrats prevent any other Democrat from being a primary opponent of Joe Biden. And in the case of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (whose father as a presidential candidate in 1968 was assassinated) IS BEING DENIED SECRET SERVICE PROTECTION.
No one too important, just a guy whose father was head of the DOJ for 4 years.
And whose name is in giant letters on wings of the FBI building.

DEMOCRATS (not Republicans) want to nationalize elections and eliminate individual states' ability to determine their own election standards (D: "Screw the Constitution").
And make it so only the party in power can ever challenge a [rigged] presidential election (D: "Screw the Constitution").

And Democrats ALREADY ARE weaponizing FBI and other federal agencies against their political opponents, labelling peaceful people as terrorists, violating their first amendment right to assemble peacefully and petition their government, arresting parents at PTA meetings who oppose woke indocrination of their children (FBI agents writing don the liccense plate numbers of heir car in he parking lo as thy leave) , FBI arresting peaceful pro-life activists, FBI/DOJ holding over 1200 peaceful January 6th protesters in jail under terrible conditions without access in many cases to legal representation, imprisoned indefinitely without trial and without prosecution or conviction of any crime.
And Merrick Garland and the DOJ want to arrest 1,000 more in 2024.

And... you try to sell that it is REPUBLICANS who are the "1984 party" ?!?
Just how brainwashed are you ?

Democrats are the self-idenified Cultural Marxist, Socialists, Communists, or a bit more thinly veiled, "Democrat-Socialists" (A O-C, Bernie Sanders).
They WORSHIP authoritarian Marxist-Socialist tactics and auhroitarian leaders. From he Clintons to the Obamas ON DOWN.
They worship, Saul Alinsky, Josef Stalin, Mao Tsetung, Fidel Castro, Che Gueverra, Hugo Chaves, Derrick Bell, on and on.
They and their cabinet members openly quote marxists, not quoted them 20 or 30 years ago, but recently, WHILE SERVING IN THE CLINTON AND OBAMA ADMINISTRATIONS, and even more recently after. Van Jones, Ron Bloom, Mark Lloyd, Robert Reich, on and on.

  • They talk about taking away Republicans' children, and having their children raised by state appointed (Marxist) foster parents, to re-educate them in "the right way of thinking" (a PBS senior attorney, who PBS first tried to defend for weeks, then eventually fired, only because it exposed them as a rat's nest of marxist radicals, not because they disagreed with him).
  • They talk about having former Trump officials forced to confess their crimes on nationally televised broadcasts (Robert Reich, Bill Clinon's former Labor secretary, said in 2021.)
  • Mark Lloyd in the Barack Obama administraion, discussing Hugo Chaves' marxist-authoritarian takeover of the Venezuelan news media. In a recorded public meeting, Lloyd called it "Very effective, and a good model to follow."
  • Anita Dunn in the Obama administrarion in a public speech listed her two favorite quote sources as "the Pope, and Mao Tsetung".
  • Ron Bloom, transportation Czar for Barack Obama, in a press conference, said: "We agree wih Mao, that capitalism is mostly a sham, and power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun."


I'll go with the Democrats who worship Marxist authoritarian dictators, who openly talk about televised show trials of political opponents, about taking away people's children to indoctrinate them in state-approved thought. Those who talk enthusiastically about locking down all media under state control in the way done by a previous marxist dictator. Those who agree with Mao about hating free market capitalism, and about controlling people at the barrel of a gun.

Is it just me, or, do the Democrats sound... JUST A TAD... more like Orwell's 1984 ?
You know the answer.

Republicans, and Trump in particular, DON'T want to crush and silence all dissenting thought, NEVER EVEN ATEMPTED TO, during his 4 years as president. But they DO want Republican elected leaders who protect the interests of the grassroots Republican voters who elect them. Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney, and Ronna (nee Romney) McDaniel, four examples, clearly do NOT represent the people who voted for these leaders, and are thus hated by their voters, many already ejected from office, others about to be in 2024.

What these RINOs endorse, the FAKE Republicans you love, is a verifably the false narrative. Trump was president for 4 years, he never did anything that was authoritarian. He didn't arrest reporters, he didn't arrest his vocal opponents, or leaders in the Democrat party, Trump DIDN'T weaponize the IRS and FBI to suppress , didn't intimidate and/or jail his opponents, or use FBI or DOJ or IRS to aid him in winning the next election.
Whereas when Barack Obama was president, and Joe Biden after, ironic to the Democrat narrative... THEY DID !

What ACTUAL elected conservatives, and Republican VOTERS support, is the truth, letting the possibility of election tampering be discussed and investigated without threats, and freely follow the facts wherever they lead. Democrats (and their RINO allies) want to silence and shut down any investigation, and that convinces no one the election was not rigged.

Trump did much to restore Constitutional freedoms in his 4 years :

He built the strongest economy in over 50 years.
He made the U.S. oil-independent for the first time in 72 years.
Trump re-negotiated international trade agreements in the U.S. favor with virtually all our major trading partners worldwide.
Trump re-built a strong U.S. military, successfully won wars started before his presidency, and avoided further foreign wars, despite the pressure of his advisors AND DEMOCRATS to do so, with Korea and Iran.
He created the lowest annual rate of inflation.
He had the highest rise in real wages in 60 years.
Trump brought factories and jobs back to the United States, something Obama said was impossible, and would require a "magic wand" to accomplish. But rump accomplished it. And now Democrat-Bolsheviks like you are trying to sell the false canard that eiher Obama or Biden were economically better for the country than Trump. Many Democrats will be voting for Trump in November, because unlike you, THEY KNOW BETTER.

And that's the truth I've been posting, sourcing and linking here for 3 years as the facts have been exposed, WITH EVIDENCE, that vindicates Trump.
That the he "51 intelligence officers say the Biden laptop looks like Russian disinformation", was ITSELF revealed as disinformation, by one of the Democrat officials who organized and got the signatures on it. It is NOW proven, UNDISPUTABLY, to have been a lie, a Democrat trick, to fool voters and get Biden over the finish line, win the election in 2020.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...-political-to-help-biden-win/ss-AA1bdlbh ........... FACT.
Former FBI and CIA officials, such as FBI's James Baker, took legal/executive positions in the private sector social media companies, to have the private sector help suppress the New York Post's Hunter Biden laptop story,and other sttories inconvenient to the Biden campaign, in the months and weeks before the 2020 election.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter_Files .................................................................. FACT.

The House Democrats' January 6th committee immediately shredded 40% of their documents in Jan 2023 when Republicans won the majority, because they THE DEMOCRATS are the ones lying, excluding testimony, falsifying evidence, and when Republicans took the House majority, all that was about to be exposed.
THAT IS THE PROOF of which side is lying, and which is telling the truth.

Likewise a year or two earlier, Rep. Adam Schiff's PROVEN lies during the "Russia Collusion" hearings and testimony (PROVEN to be lies when two consecutive DNI directors, John Ratcliffe and Richard Grennell, de-classified and revealed the closed-testimony transcripts) are further proof of the FBI and Democrat leadership's deliberate falsification of the actual facts for their own political gain. And reveal he consistent pattern, that Democrats ALWAYS lie. Whatever serves the revolution, the Bolshevik creed.

And this is a consistent pattern with the Democrats, particularly in the FBI and intelligence field :

  • The weaponized FBI indictment of Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK), later proven innocent, vindicated in a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision.

    A similar FBI fraudulent conviction of Scooter Libby, despite that he is PROVEN not to have done what he was convicted for. It was Trump who finally pardoned Libby and released him from jail. (The exact same tactics used on Libby, were used against Donald Trump and several members of his administration. And against Martha Stewart, and innocent Enron and Arthur Anderson executives, all reversed on appeal by the U.S. Supreme Court. Some of hem poshumouisly, who despite innocent men, needlessly died in prison, thanks to a corrupt FBI. Each reversed on appeal by the U.S. Supreme Court.)

    FBI smothered investigation of the Benghazi attack during the Obama administration. To protect Obama and Hillary.
    ( I picture Peter Strzok and Lisa Page texting on this one.
    PAGE: "Hillary won't be indicted, will she? WILL SHE?!?
    STRZOK: "No, no she won't. We will stop it. "
    Or agents very much like them in the 97% Democrat-donating FBI. )

    FBI scuttling investigation of Hillary Clinton's deleted e-mails , and illegal private server that compromised U.S. national security. FBI not even prosecuting her for deleting 40,000 e-mails and smashing computers and phones, destroying evidence that had already been subpoenaed for a month or two, a clear federal crime.
    But FBI did midnight raids on Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, and Mar A Lago, to allegedly prevent destroying of evidence that never occurred by any of these REPUBLICANS raided.
    With CNN camera crews called and waiting in advance, of course, to televise these raids.

    FBI scuttled investigation of the $ 150 million the Clintons swindled in a treasonous pay-to-play scheme, exchanging Hillary Clinton U.S. State Department access in exchange for millions in donations to the Clinton Foundation. Gee, what a shock, FBI again didn't find evidence to warrant prosecution. (FBI investigators: "Yay, team Democrat !")

    Obama, Biden, naional security advisor Susan Rice, DNI director James Clapper, then-FBI director James Comey, acting DOJ head Sally Yates, and CIA direcor John Brennan, all in the same January 5 2017 Oval Office meeting.
    Where they plotted to kneecap Trump's incoming ELECTED presidency, and in particular to set up Michael Flynn to prevent him from discovering and exposing these top Democrats' treasonous criminal acts, FISA unmaskings, surveillance on the Trump campaign over the last year or so, and illegal aspects of the Iran nuclear deal. Everyone who was in that Oval Office meeting, and in on that plot, should be in jail.

[Linked Image from pbs.twimg.com]

A least as far back as 2018, we've known, at least in the media that would report it, about the "secret society" within the FBI:

But thast dirty, Democrat- weaponized FBI has been in operation for at least 20 years.

Every Democrat investigation, strong evidence suppressed and scuttled by a 97% Democrat FBI.
Every Republican maliciously prosecuted, despite exculpatory evidence suppressed by the FBI, that later got the prosecution overturned on appeal, after the Republican spent years in prison and lost their election to a Democrat.
Amid an unrelenting series of FBI violations of their own procedures, especially in the last 8 years. Falsified FISA warrants, hyper-aggressive midnight raids where FBI notifies CNN in advance to be there, hours before they ever serve the warrant to the Trump-appointed suspects. And the raid on Mar A Lago followed the same FBI/CNN pattern.

And now, going into the 2024 presidential campaign... an endless sea of "lawfare" overkill indictments of Trump with no credibility, CLEARLY only served for political reasons, overwhelming Democrat districts for a 90%-plus Democrat jury. Judge-shopped leftist judges, indictments served after delays, precisely so THESE reliably Democrat judges would oversee the cases in their favor. And hyper-partisan and unethical prosecutors like Jack Smitth, Leticia James and Fany Willis, secretly helped by loaned DOJ lawyers to make them look slightly more professional and competent.
Specious cases doomed to be overturned, their only purpose being to generate scandal among uninformed voters, to lower Trump in the court of public opinion just enough to try and prevent him from being re-elected, but will inevitably be indictments found to be groundless and unlawful, inevitably will be reversed on appeal. ONLY filed to hurt Trump politically in he months before he 2024 election, to accomplish that mission, before being overturned.

20 years of one-sided indictments, by a Democrat-weaponized FBI.
ALWAYS protecting and obstructing prosecution of Democrats. ALWAYS maliciously and falsely prosecuting Republicans.

And the consistent text messages inside the FBI, exposing a vitriolic hatred of Republicans, and making clear they want to use their FBI power to tip the scales in favor of the Democrats.
With a steady stream of convictions, appealed and overturned by he U S Supreme Court, to show they have done exactly this, over and over.

How much more proof do you need?