Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Lucy you’re not fooling anyone. Trump could have tried stopping the violence much earlier on Jan 6. You know that. If you don’t like the facts you find alternatives. Like here for example you attack the media source but you also add that if that fails then it’s time to attack those people that were around Trump during that day if they tell the truth. It took Trump hours to ask his people to leave and after someone being shot in the capitol. Why? What would make that acceptable for any commander in chief?

You and your factless robot talking points.

Trump authorized 20,000 National Guard troops to protect Washington Square and the Capitol on January 6th. The Democrats obstructed that protecion, and THEY cause the riots and violence, what little occurred.

Trump in his 12 noon speech on January 6th said "I know in a few minutes you'll all be walking over to the Capitol, to PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support..." for the Republican House and Senate members LEGALLY challenging the rigged 2020 election, according to prescribed Constitutional procedure to challenge an election.
The same way Democrats TRIED TO dispute elections in 2000, 2004, and 2016, but without a Senator to back any House Democrat on the allegation they tried to pull.
Trump had far more evidence of election tampering.

Trump throughout the afternoon of Jan 6th, every 20 or 30 minutes, urged his supporters to "remain PEACEFUL !"

And when there was finally confirmation that a few rioters breached the Capitol (led by undercover FBI, DHS and Antfa, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters, NOT by actual Trump supporters) Trump within a very short time prepared a video statement, saying he sympathized with his supporters' frustration that they were not given a fair hearing to debate the Electoral vote, but that even remaining near the Capitol peacefully at this point would be portrayed badly by Democrat leadership and the liberal Newspeak media. That even peacefully staying would serve no purpose, and to just go home.
Which ACTUAL Trump supporters immediately did.

Whether Trump took 45 minutes or an hour or an hour and 20 minutes to air that video statement is a completely bogus issue. Trump did everything he could be expected to do to prevent rioting, and to stop rioting when it did occur.
Trump did not "incite" a riot, he did the exact opposite, he tried to prevent a riot at every stage.
You're a lying Democrat zealot, and you will say anything to smear and damage Trump.

And in the tradition of the Moscow Central Committee, you and other Democrats are repeating your lying narrative with deceitful repetition, on the strategy it will be believed, by at least some uninformed rabble out there, to decrease Trump's voter base in Nov 2024.

  • Members and front organizations must continually embarass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic. The association will, after enough repetition, become "fact" in the public mind.
    --Moscow Central Committee, 1943

Deception and false narrative is the first and last impulse of any Democrat-Bolshevik.

Just as it is the nature of the communists they worship, from the Frankfurt School, to Saul Alinsky, to William Ayers and the Weather Underground, the Black Panthers (all Soviet funded, by the way). To the murderous authoritarian regimes the Democrat/Left worship, in the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and elsewhere. A Democrat ideological love for these Marxist regimes easily confirmed in the writings and speeches and graduate papers of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, A O-C and the "Squad", on down.
And a radical ideology shared by everyone who serves on their administrative staff.
The entire vicious deceitful Democrat-Bolshevik party. And I've quoted them praising these murderous communist regimes repeatedly here.