Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Funny but those Moscow rules look like your playbook. Gay nazi is one of your faves. Trump waited hours before telling his people to leave. You with your lack of morals find that just peachy. Got it Lucy

"The gay nazis" is not a term I invented.
Since at least the 1980's it's been a half-joking term for gay activists who use violence and intimidation to silence any opposition to gay political goals.

Before the creation of Fox News in 1995-1996, there was an incident in New York public schools where a leftist superintendent and a group of teachers pushed books like Heather Has Two Mommies, and Daddy's Roommate, and conservative parents in the district were incensed, and succeeded through protest and voting at PTA meetings in getting the superintendent fired, and the books removed from the school system's curriculum and library. The parents were threatened, and there was actually at least one car-bombing, to intimidate the parents who pressed the issue, and there were many. I saw this reported on the 700 Club, in an era when it was virtually the only place you could see a conservative perspective and that exposed the omitted facts on mainstream television.

More recently, there is intimidation of anyone who opposes transgender indoctrination in schools.
And also gay/leftist /trans intimidation of parents, teachers and athletes who oppose allowing transgender males into womens' sports.
NONE of those threatened, or forced to fortify themselves in a college classroom for hours, waiting for rescue by police from prolonged violent gay protester attacks, would deny the existence or the use of the term "gay nazis". That is just a fact.

Re: your lyingly saying "Moscow rules look like your playbook."

That would require a lot of explanation on your part, to make the slightest fucking sense.
SHOW ME where I or anyone I agree with on the conservative side, engages in ANY violence or threats to intimidate into silence those on the liberal side.
Those Marxist//Democrat/Soviet/Bolshevik tactics occur COMPLETELY on the Democrat/Leftist side in the U.S.

There have been at least two Trump supporters who have been killed by Democrat radicals in the last few years.
And Hodgekinson (a Bernie Sanders political volunteer), the shooter at the Congressional baseball game, who came very close to killing several Republican congress members and the police protecting them.

As I've quoted many times, since Trump became president there have been violent attacks on Trump supporters on average one attack EVERY DAY nationwide.
There have been attacks on about a dozen Republican Senators and House members in the last 8 years. And further bombings, arson and vandalism of their offices.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) and Rep. Mat Gaetz (R-FL) have been repeatedly threatened, and Green over Christmas 2023 was "SWATTed" again (calling police with an anonymous call, alleging a violent hostage situation, sending police with guns drawn to her address, intended to potentially get Green or her family or staff killed). Green said this is the 8th time this has occurred against her.
About 2 years ago, Matt Gaetz had a phone call where an anonymous caller (call recorded) said he was going to kill Gaetz, saying, "I can kill you anytime from 200 yards away, turn your head to pink mist, make it explode like a watermelon..."
FBI was called (the 97% Democrat FBI) who investigated and found the guy. But incredibly, didn't think it warranted even arresting the suspect.






I love the pathetic attempt on your part to flip the narrative, and accuse your Republican political opposition of EXACTLY what you yourselves, the vicious Democrat-Bolsheviks, are the ones truly guilty of.
Democrats are violent marxist radicals, who OPENLY WORSHIP AND QUOTE Lenin, Stalin, Fidel Castro, Che Gueverra, Mao Tse Tung, Hugo Chaves, and Saul Alinsky.
And yet you have the audacity to allege that it is Trump and Republicans who are lapdogs of Putin and the Russians, with absolutely no evidence to back it up.

Meanwhile, it is DEMOCRATS who have enabled and embraced Russian, Chinese and domestic communists since before World War II, and right up to the present, From the FDR and Truman administrations, to the 1960's radicals and the Vietnam anti-war movement, to Senator Ted Kennedy who secretly met with the Russians and urged them not to make a nuclear peace deal with the Reagan adminisration, to John Kerry and other Democrats who acted treasonously during the Vietnam war, and did the same right up to the Persian Gulf War, and as Kerry is currently still doing in negotiating wih Communist China. To Obama's Cultural Marxism and worship of Anti-Colonialism (his [i]Dreams From My Father[i] autobiography), Critical Race Theory, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Derrick Bell, Saul Alinsky, ACORN, and his participation in the plot to overthrow the Trump administration using FBI, DOJ, CIA and other intelligence agencies.
And ironically, these Marxists ACCUSE TRUMP and his supporters of being insurrectionists and lapdog stooges of the Russians.

80 years of Democrat Bolshevism...


The lying propaganda narrative that Trump supporters are violent radicals, is easily disproven by the actual facts.
YOU'RE the Democrat-Bolsheviks, the party of Marxism, "Democratic Socialism" (Bernie Sanders and A O-C), Black Lives matter, and Antifa.

It is DAMN clear who the dangerous violent radicals truly are. And it's the Democrat-Bolshevik party that embraces Marxism, BLM, Antifa, open borders, transgender fanatics, and now Hamas terrorism.