Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
A key difference is how Trump obstructed and lied. The others complied while Trump was moving classified documents around so they couldn’t be retrieved. Proving that he willfully was breaking the law above a reasonable doubt is pretty easy at this point.

That's just a lying Democrat talking point.

Trump and his lawyers were in contact wih the FBI every day by phone or in person, prior to the Mar A Lago raid, and very friendly and cordial in their daily conversations, regarding records at Mar A Lago. If at any time FBI or National Archives or whoever wanted those records, they could have just made a phone call and arranged a time with Trump's lawyers to surrender the records.

Instead, FBI very suddenly without notice or warning, staged a midnight raid on Mar A Lago, calling CNN to be here in advance of course, wih FBI agents posturing tough and brandishing AR-15 rifles for the media cameras, when FBI could have just called Trump's lawyers and had the records surrendered.
Same as the Paul Manafort FBI raid.
Same as the Michael Flynn FBI raid.
Same as the Michael Cohen FBI raid.
Same as the George Papadapoulos FBI raid.
Same as the Roger Stone FBI raid.
In every case, they could have just made a phone call and asked them surrender and appear at an arranged time with their lawyer.

But instead the 97% Democrat FBI and DOJ in each case staged a dramatic and completely unnecessary mignight raid and arrest, at a great expense to taxpayers. In a show of force and humiliation.

No such raid on Hillary Clinton about the Clinton Foundation selling access to the U.S. State Department she was head of, in exchange for over $ 100 million in donations, or raided over Hillary's illegal private e-mail server, used to conceal the evidence of that Clinton Foundation/State Department pay-to-play corruption from appearing in her official federal records as secretary of state.

1) Roger Stone and other Trump officials, who shredded ZERO document : Maximum FBI force used in their raids and arrests, every time.

2) Hillary Clinton and her staff, who destroyed and bleach-bitted over 30,000 documents, computers and cel phones, ALREADY SUBPOENAED BY THE FBI WHEN HILLARY AND HER STAFF DESTROYED THEM : No FBI force, no FBI raids, no handcuffs or leg irons, no FBI frogmen swimming up in Hillary's waterfront back yard, not even recording Hillary's FBI inerview deposition, precisely so she could not possibly be sprung in a trap with perjury charges later for the slightest contradiction in her testimony, the way Trump and EVERY ONE of his FBI-raided staff were. Double standard, up the wazoo.

There was no lack of cooperation or "obstruction" by Trump over Mar A Lago, that was just a manufactured allegation by a Democrat weaponized DOJ and FBI, to smear Trump. In a way FBI never did with Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sandy Berger, Barack Obama, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, regarding classified documents, or anything else..
Where are THEIR midnight raids by FBI ?!? And on far more evidence of actual crimes. As compared with MANUFACTURED fake crimes by FBI of Trump and his officials.
That's the obscentitty : the FBI won't prosecute actual crimes by Hillary, Biden and other Democrats. But at the exact same FBI manufactures fake cases to maliciously prosecute Trump and his officials to the hilt.

FBI hid Hunter Biden's laptop for over a year, as long as they could.
FBI obstructed and protected Hillary Clinton from any prosecution, on muliple charges, deliberately scuttling abundant evidence in the cases, over Benghazi, over the Clinton Foundation corruption, and over Hillary's illegal private email sever that compromised national security.
FBI refuses to inerview Tony Bobulinsky and other impecdable wittnesses against Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.
FBI scuttled the case against Lois Lerner and Koskinen over weaponization of he IRS against Republican donors and Tea Party groups.

Bu tha same FBI will sentence Trump to 700 years in prison, if he took an extra 10 minutes to surrender classified documens he kept behind padlocked doors at Mar A Lago, with Secret Service agents constantly patrolling the halls. ( While Biden kept classified documentts for up to 50 years in a crumbing cardboard box for up to 50 years in he garage next to his Corvette, compleely unguarded, that he never had any logical reason to view or possess outside a classified SCIF room.

Oh yeah, that all makes perfect sense.