Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:

i like the clubbing. i also think its funny how the place became a verb. no one goes "barring."

anywho... yeah, there's no neato dances out there. no twist. no charleston. nuthin. its all just sorta bouncing and grinding, which is fine by me.

and its not a place to hang with the guys. too loud and too much else going on. if you do happen to go with a buddy, for the love of god, do not dance with, or even near, each other. if you must, bring a yard stick and keep it between the two of you. you may stand at the bar in the club and look awkwardly at the dancers, but thats it.

really, its just another way to pick up girls. except they wear tighter and/or less clothing, and are easier to approach, since everyone is already dancing together. ignore the girls on the side. if they're not moving in here, they wont move at home.


I think the bar equvilent would be bar hopping.

As for the subject on hand, I was never into the bar/club scene. In fact, I hated/hate going to clubs unless I'm with a group of guys. Keeps the guys in the places from hitting on me. The only club I frequented (and by frequented I mean I went there the most times, twice) was a place called Kaboom in Chicago. It had a bunch of differnt rooms, each playing a different style of music. We'd go spend a few minutes in the main dance room, then make our way to the alternative room where it was alternative music all the time. Next to that room was the disco room, the room my brother spun records in. I made the mistake one night, of telling one of the workers who I was/who my brother was, and he would not leave me alone the rest of the night, when I'd leave the alternative room. I'm not kidding you, I dreaded leaving the alternative room to get in line for the bathroom because I knew he'd come up to me and hit on me. ugh

But everyone know's the best clubs are the ones in Chicago. Don't even waste your time with the suburban ones. Granted I haven't been to a club in over 5 years so I don't know what they're like here now.