Originally posted by Wingnut-EL:
Rock is dead they say.......Long Live Rock!

I think you need to expand your horizons dsoley. There's plenty of good music being made, but your not gonna find it on corporate radio or video. List a few examples of what you do/did like & I can probably point you towards some good stuff.

Thank you.

rock music has simply gone underground at the moment. If you're looking for actual rock and roll on MTV and radio, you may find it perhaps on such niche places such as Later with Jools Holland or TOTP occasionally on BBC America, Subterranean (and especialy Subterranean UK) on MTV, "morning Becomes Eclectic" or Rodney on the Rock on KCRW and KROQ respectively and a few other places here and there, notably http://www.xfm.co.uk and a few other internet radio stations.

It won't excatly bite u in the arse demanding your attention like Rap, faux R&B, Boy/girl bands, *koff*Alternative*koff, and nu-metal. But if you're open minded enough to get past the fact that it doesn't sound like anything else, the rewards are endless. Whats more, when you do find quality rock and roll, it isn't subject to dying out once the fad is over. I can still listen to my Pixies CD's or Stone Roses and they don't sound at all dated as with any "grunge" or hair metal bands music.

As for the dancing part of the initial post. I was at an R.E.M. gig about a decade ago. The stiff dorky white guys gyrating in the same repetitive motions you mentioned reminded me of that. To this day I can't hear R.E.M. and not recall the arena full of geeky bad dancers gyrating stiffly like boards, shaking their booties and biting their lower lip as they pointed with their fingers.

My own clubbing experiences have varied over the past 15-20 years from punk/goth clubs and retro 60's clubs in the 80's, to underground "acid house" warehouse parties at the start of the 90's to full flung 'raves' and "massives" later on to mod/britpop clubs in the mid 90's and now finally to retro 80's new wave clubs. I'm approaching that point in my life though where I am starting to look my age so if curtalied my clubbing substantially. If it wasn't for my wife's love of a particular club http://www.clubbang.net , I wouldn't go out clubbing at all. Concertgoing and festivals are good enough for me.

It's good for the abs and helps with sex if you are a regular dancer.