TTT: I look forward to seeing where you go with the Mason Templar character. He sounds rather interesting. However, and I mean this in no negative way towards you as a writer, but, I simply cannot fathom the twelve-year-old Axel as a member of Vanguard. Are we to assume that La Perdita allows child labor? [wink]

Now, you may suprise me, and end up eventually swaying me towards the character, just in how you develop him. But, at the moment, I'm having a hard time grasping it.

Other than that, I'm glad you have broken out of your old TOMB habits of random posts. I enjoy seeing you flesh out your own personal world here.


As for the Christmas story, I also look forward to seeing what others have up their sleeves. Honestly, at the moment, I'm completely blank on what I want to write for Ozzy in that story. Probably just do some small characterization and interaction between him and the team.

And, I think it's obvious why he's with Vanguard...