Phil, I can't understand your comment about the link, in your last post.

The link Rose Biggles is providing is MENTAL, having her powers similar to Phil himself.

It goes like this: Grissom sends information to the "visor" she is wearing, in the same manner he speaks to Grimm and Phil trough the communicator. Just, while the com transmits merely sounds, trough the visor Grissom send the girl not just words, but images and data, too.

The girl, then, trough her ESP powers, feeds those images and date directly to the minds of the Vanguardians and other selected people on the battle field.

So, the weack chain is the transmission from Grissom to the girl, not from the girl to the other people. If Grissom can crypt the transmission to Phil, why he shouldn't be able to do the same with the transmission to the girl?