For the technical aspect, ok, it's something I don't really understand, altough I though that the kind of signal for an "augmented reality visor" (something I didn't make up, I found it in a scientific magazine) could be deciphred just by someone with a similar device.

Also, since you wrote about the visor "any transmissions it's sending", i though you didn't get that the visor merely received, while it was the girl power to send.

About the girl, she has worked with grimm, as shown in the secret files story about him. So, I think Grimm trust her, and there was no other option to link all the forces on the battlefield, seeing that many have been recruited just hours before, and surely there was no way to equip (and train) them with communicators. Plus, the mental feed provides images and instant recognizion, things that a simple vocal communicator can't provide.

Finally, yes, I didn't provide specs about security involved in transmission, but that wouldn't mean there aren't... just as you didn't provide an explanation at how a nuclear submergible traveled in mere hours from the equator to the polar circle, topping the velocity of two aircraft equipped with teletransportation. [wink] [mwah hwah haa] [nyah hah]