Originally posted by TheTimeTrust:
Given that line-up, why is a 12-year-old "witch-boy" so unbelievable as a member of Vanguard?

See, I knew you were going to use this line of thinking. The point, I guess, is my personal preference.

It's the same reason why I hate StarGirl (Courtney from JSA), Wesley Crusher, Harry Potter, Webster, or the kid from the Sixth Sense. I simply canNOT buy a child acting like an adult. It just doesn't work with me.

Teenager? I'm with you all the way. Teen Titans is a great concept. The characters are coming into that age of responsibility, and adjusting to life as new adults. A twelve-year old, however, is generally more concerned with [INSERT FAD HERE], or, whether Superman could kick Thor's ass (well, no more I guess). At that age, from a psychological stand-point, a twelve year old just doesn't have the developmental qualities or adaptive abilities to generally handle a life so obviously crafted for serious, professional adults.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not against Axel as a member, as much as I am saying that, I cannot write a character like that. Kind of the same thing with you and Charles Walker, I'd say. A viable character, but, one that you simply do not enjoy.

So hey, as I said, change my mind... :)