Originally posted by The Eurostar:
Ok, but there is one thing you wrote that sounds strange:
you show the gates opening, but Grimm stated that to function, the arctifact Collins gave Naecken needs bloods of a virgin (he suggested Tayden or Brianna). I think that's a cool thing, it would be bad not to aknowledge it.

Yeah, I didn't bother to catch that. I guess my problem with a "blood sacrifice" is that it limits the "magical connection/religious connatation" of the so-called-literal 'Hell' to a finite set of cultural/cult beliefs. Paganistic rituals aside, I was kind of under the opinion that Hell is a universal constant. Many, many different factors can open the gateways.

That, and it would slow the story down. But, hey, if it needs to be addressed, I'll do so in my post tonight. :)

Other thing, having the Invisible man inside the fortress, it could be a good way to free Mick. I guess that's up to TTT, anyway.

Well, since TTT isn't going to do anything, I've already got that part covered. It isn't Griffen that I'm using, though...

Third, where the hell Amock come from? I lost tracks of him on the route of La Perdita, he has freed himself, or the Vanguardians have let him loose?

Yeah, a fucking cool entrance, no doubt. But, I, too, am curious as to what/how/why...

I am enjoying immensely this battle. The mix of drama and humor is something our stories have lacked for a long time.

Yes, it is actually going very smooth, and everyone is really flexing their muscles here.

Love the Adem Different stuff. Love the B-Team (why can't I stop writing them?).

Phil's annoyance at the sudden 'communication liason'-shift has been perfect. I love it when you show-off that tech prowess, Philsy.

Euro, I sincerely miss Raptor for this battle. Given LL's return, Raptor, Nowhereman, Ameristar, Turkish, and Shift are the only ones missing. When is Strikeforce coming into the picture?

MORE GRIMM!! Where's Vanguard's resident ass-kicker in this mele'?

TTT...I miss Chance... [um....  uh huh! ...  ] :)